- This temple is still the headquarters of the Jodo Shinshu religious school which is a sect of Zen buddhism. 现在这座寺庙仍然是净土真宗教学院的总部。净土真宗是佛教禅宗的一个派别。
- Established in the 6th century in China and Korea and in the 12th century in Japan, the Pure Land sects still have many followers, especially in Japan's Jodo Shinshu(True Pure Land sect). 净土宗成立于6世纪时的中国和高丽(朝鲜),12世纪时的日本,至今仍有大量信徒,特别是日本的净土真宗。
- Jodo Shinshun. 浄土真宗
- In jodo science is more important than strength. 在柔道比赛中, 技巧比力气更为重要。
- Department of Pediatrics, Shinshu University School of Medicine, and Central Clinical Laboratories, Shinshu University Hospital, Matsumoto, Japan. 华中科技大学同济医学院基础医学院免疫学教研室
- Jodo is Pure Land seek to live on, so Chinese Buddhism's which that the faction Xiu mimics purpose parting for other is? 净土宗是求生西方极乐世界,那么中国佛教的其他宗派的修学目的分别是哪些?
- Department of Neuroplasticity Institute on Aging and Adaptation, Shinshu University Graduate School of Medicine, 3-1-1 Asahi, Matsumoto 390-8621, Japan. 南通大学江苏省神经再生重点实验室,南通,226001;南通大学医学院微生物与免疫学教研室,南通,226001
- Undoubtedly, the rise of the Pure-land Faith and the Jodo Sect was, in essence, due to the popularity of the theory concerning about the last stage of Buddhism at that time. 净土思想的兴起以及法然净土宗的诞生,究其缘由无疑是来自于末法思想在当时时代的流行。
- There are a variety of joint strong proxy mobile phones of various brands of digital products Quanguolianbao special notebook Shinshu time to patronize licensed, life-long income ah! 还有各种联强代理各品牌特价笔记本手机数码产品全国联保真宗行货一次光顾,终身收益啊!
- In jodo science is more important than strength 在柔道比赛中, 技巧比力气更为重要。
- Jodo Shun. 浄土宗
- Jodon. [宗](日本佛教的)净土宗Jap