- the Jinan Massacre 济南惨案
- The game was a complete massacre; we lost 10-0. 那次比赛真是一次惨败,我们0比10输了。
- The second round was a complete massacre. 第二个回合是十足的惨败。
- Jinan Massacre 济南惨案
- Jinan Massacre of 197.8 济南惨案
- Massive slaughter, as in war; a massacre. 大屠杀大规模杀戮,如战争中的大屠杀; 屠宰
- Savage, indiscriminate killing; a massacre. 血洗野蛮的、不加区别的杀戳; 大屠杀
- How did you manage to massacre your strong opponent? 你是如何设法彻底击败劲敌的?
- On our way to Shanghai we turned aside to Jinan to see a friend of mine. 去上海的路上我们取道济南去看我的一位朋友。
- This ship load of bananas is destined for Jinan. 这船香蕉要送往济南。
- This became known as the Tsinan Massacre. 这次屠杀事件被称为“济南惨案”。
- Please tell me which train I shall take for Jinan. 请问去济南坐哪一趟火车?
- The other students in my class work in Jinan. 我班其余的同学都在济南工作。
- Train after train was coming to Jinan. 火车一列接一列地驶进济南。
- The Pingkiang massacre proves it. 平江惨案就是证据。
- Yes,it's the express No. 297 for Jinan. 是的,这是297次去济南的快车。
- This became known as the May 30th Massacre. 这就是震惊中外的五卅惨案。
- Jinan Hela Schwarz Food Co., Ltd. 济南海乐·西亚泽食品有限公司
- Jinan is the capital of Shandong Province. 济南是山东省省会。
- Many people witnessed the horrendous massacre. 许多人目击到该次令人不寒而栗的大屠杀。