- Yi Jianlian is taller than Da Shan. 易建联的个子比大山更高。
- Yi Jianlian suffers right pinkie injury. 易建联遭受右小指受伤.
- RobertH: Would the Rockets consider trading up to grab Yi Jianlian? 火箭可能考虑通过交易得到易建连吗?
- Jianlian YI 易建联
- Own basket team first round: Carter, Harris, Yi Jianlian, Luopeisi, Symons. 篮网队首发:卡特、哈里斯、易建联、洛佩斯、西蒙斯。
- Yi Jianlian, Bunn and Luopeizi become the player who everybody favors. 易建联、布恩和洛佩兹成为大家看好的球员。
- Breen: I haven't said this often, but I'm impressed with Yi Jianlian's defense. 布林:易建联的防守给人印象深刻,尽管我不是经常赞他的防守。
- The man who provided the most mystery and intrigue heading into the NBA Draft was undoubtedly Yi Jianlian. 毫无疑问,易建联是进军NBA选秀大会的球员当中最神秘、诡异的一个。
- Today back to back confronts Nix, Yi Jianlian has not prepared for full obviously. 今天背靠背对阵尼克斯,易建联显然没有做好充分准备。
- In fact, among the big players, Yi Jianlian is the ability to project strength, with first-hand feel very good shot. 实际上在大个子球员中间,易建联的投射能力还是强项,有着一手相当好的投篮手感。
- Story: A mermaid, Yi, came to a city to live. 故事:讲述一人鱼,仪,来到城市生活的故事。
- Yi Jianlian will not be in the NBA after 2010, this kid has no enthusiasm, a quitter and no heart. 易建联2010年后就可以离开NBA了,这小子一点热情都没,只是一个没心的退出者。
- In the team boss Vince - Carter's watch, Yi Jianlian's no timid and shy, had a team-high 17 points in the second. 在球队老大文斯-卡特的注视下,易建联没有丝毫的胆怯和羞涩,砍下了全队第二高分17分。
- Yi Jianlian, Bucks: Yi plays like a veteran, reading the game and looking for ways to utilize his talent and size. 易建联,雄鹿:易建联打球不像一个新秀,能够阅读比赛,并知道如何利用自己的技术和身体.
- Shanxi Yi Tai Heng Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd. 山西颐泰恒精细化学有限公司
- "Eulogy of Po Yi" was a prose piece written by him. 《伯夷颂》是韩愈所写的一篇散文。
- So ends the story of Hou Yi and the nine: suns. 这就是有名的后羿射日的故事。
- What's the English for "Yi shi wu cheng"? “一事无成”的英文怎么说?
- The Yi ethnic group has many branches. 彝族的支系甚多,