- Shandong's JIANG YING starred on the 1984 volleyball team that won the gold. She moved to Australia and has coached there for many years. 山东人姜英是1984年赢得金牌排球赛的明星球员。她已迁居澳洲并在当地担任教练多年。
- After his retirement in 1991, he maintained a low profile, despite being garlanded with awards. He is survived by his wife, the highly acclaimed Beijing opera singer Jiang Ying. 尽管钱学森在1991年退休之后一直被各种奖项围绕,但他仍然保持低调。其身后遗下夫人蒋英,是北京著名的女歌唱家。
- PENG Yan-rong JIANG Ying LUO Wen-bo PENG Ding 江荧罗文波
- DU Qizhen; SHEN Xingrong; JIANG Ying (Tea Research Institute; Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences; 310008); 中国农业科学院茶叶研究所;
- YANG Dong; JIANG Ying; HE Fu-Chu Beijing Proteome Research Center; Beijing Institute of Radiation Medicine; Beijing 102206; China; 军事医学科学院放射与辐射医学研究所北京蛋白质组研究中心;
- Lang Ping, Zhang Rongfang, Yang Xilang, Zhou Xialin, Zhu Ling, Liang Yan, Jiang Ying, Hou Yuzhu, Su Huijuan, Li Yanjun, Yang Xiaojun, Zheng Meizhu in basketball playing; 排球:郎平、张蓉芳、杨锡兰、周晓兰、朱玲、梁艳、姜英、侯玉珠、苏慧娟、李延军、杨晓君、郑美珠;
- Jiang Ying 姜英
- One of the workers who followed in his steps as an innovator was Tang Ying. 还有一个跟他闹革新的工人,那就是唐英。
- Singer Na Ying is one of her best friends. 歌手那英是她最好的朋友之一。
- You are invited to our Jiang Tou English Corner! 热烈欢迎你参加江头英语角!
- We stood up for Xiao Ying,as she was in the right. 我们支持小英,因为她是对的。
- Mr. Jiang should know the answer to that. 蒋先生应该知道答案。
- Liu Ying meets Wang Bin on the way to the library. 刘莹在去图书馆的路上与王宾相遇。
- Liu Ying is both strong and lovely. 刘颖体格健壮又可爱。
- And,of course,so did Lin Biao and Jiang Qing. 林彪、江青更不用说了。
- Liu Ying is not as good as sports as her sister. 刘英的体育没有她妹妹好。
- The following is the full text of Jiang's speech. 下面是江讲话全文。
- Liu Ying is not as good at sports as her sister. 刘英不如她姐姐体育好。
- Let's ask Mr. Jiang to answer that. 那件事我让蒋先生来答复。