- Jersey spinning wheel 泽西手纺车
- An attachment for a spinning wheel that serves this purpose. 手纺车附件为能达到上面纺纱目的的手纺车的附属装置
- A small flywheel that regulates the speed of a spinning wheel. 锭盘调整手纺车速度的小飞轮
- I roved the cotton then ran it through the spinning wheel. 我将棉花捻过,然后将它穿过纺车。
- She was sitting at a spinning wheel, spinning silken threads of many colors. 她正坐在一辆纺车前,织着各种颜色的丝线。
- The spinning wheel was as symbolic of colonical massachusetts as the codfish. 手纺车和鲟鱼是马萨诸塞的象征。
- But let me tell you a secret of success that is in every revolution of a spinning wheel. 但让我告诉你一个成功的秘诀就是在每一个革命纺车。
- Mahatma Gandhi used to think that we should stop technology at the point where the spinning wheel was invented. 圣雄甘地惯于认为,发明了手纺车后,我们就该让科技不再发展。
- Before you drop the ball into the spinning wheel, you bet a number on the electronic layout. 在你把小球投入转盘之前,先在布局上赌个号码。
- The king forbade all the people to bring a spinning wheel into the palace or even talk about spinning. 国王禁止所有的人带纺车进宫殿,甚至不准谈论有关纺织的事。
- The half-darkness was contorting around him, bending, as though he stood at the center of a spinning wheel. 在他的周围,透着光亮的黑暗扭曲着、蜿蜒着,仿佛他是站在一个纺车的中心。
- LEDs and phototransistors then read the spinning wheels. 发光二极管和光电管这时就读取旋转的轮子传来的信号。
- No sooner (4a) had the Princess took the spinning wheel, (4a) than she pricked her hand on the needle, and she (4b) fell down into a faint. 公主一碰到纺车,她的手就被针扎了一下,于是公主就倒地昏过去了。
- The cruel man Roza considered that she was doing something evil and kicked her, as well as the spinning wheel off the cliff. 她把纺车架到三沟交界的平台上,让过往的姐妹观看、学习,人们便叫这里为“纺织台”。
- When only 17, he wrote his first great song Gretchen at the Spinning Wheel, and during the next 2 years he wrote many of his finest songs including The Erl King. 他在他父亲执教的学校教了三年,当他只有17岁时,就谱写了第一首优美的歌曲《纺车旁的格雷卿》,在这以后的两年当中,他写了许多他最好的歌曲,包括《魔王》在内。
- Her spinning wheel and the milk of a cow which she had purchased with the little money she had with her sufficed for the scanty subsistence of herself and her growing son. 她纺纱织布,并用仅有的一点钱买来一头奶牛,以此来维持母子俩的清苦生活。
- The princess started handling the spinning wheel awkwardly, and just as the bad witch had said at the christening, the spindle pricked the princess' finger. 公主开始笨手笨脚地纺起纱来,这时,就像坏女巫在受洗仪式时所说的,纺锤刺破了公主的手指。
- As a business card printing and membership card making business in the production and selling of domain, a spinning wheel offset printing Enterprise exeception've hard years. 作为制卡和会员卡制作行业中产量和销量最大的一个领域,轮转胶印企业刚刚度过了异常艰难的一年。
- Master the Rotary offset printing features a spinning wheel offset production characteristics are threefold: printing speed high, additional functionality and operation. 把持轮转胶印特不背 轮转胶印不入不销特不背有不一:印速矮、附加功用众、运行本钱矮。
- Isabel wore a jersey and her hair in a plait. 伊莎贝尔穿着一件毛衣、头发扎成了一根辫子。