- Jerry Lewis once said after his terrible heart problems, Every time I wake up in the morning a feel like Im a success. Youre alive. 患心脏病后这样说:每早醒来,我都觉得自己成功了。
- The entertainer Jerry Lewis is quoted as saying that Sinatra "volunteered to be a messenger for them...And he almost got caught once... in New York. 书中援引西纳特拉生前好友杰里-路易斯的话说:“西纳特拉曾自愿为他们(美国黑帮)效力,有一次在纽约还险些被警方逮住。”
- After a tragic fall on "The Andy Williams Show" in 1965,comedian Jerry Lewis suffered a skull fracture that led to an addiction to the painkiller Percodan. 1965年,喜剧演员杰瑞-刘易斯在出演“安迪-威廉姆斯秀”时,不幸摔倒,造成头骨骨折。他不得不依赖止痛药,并对此上了瘾。
- After a tragic fall on "The Andy Williams Show " in 1965, comedian Jerry Lewis suffered a skull fracture that led to an addiction to the painkiller Percodan. 1965年,喜剧演员杰瑞-刘易斯在出演“安迪-威廉姆斯秀”时,不幸摔倒,造成头骨骨折。他不得不依赖止痛药,并对此上了瘾。
- After a tragic fall on "The Andy Williams Show" in 1965, comedian Jerry Lewis suffered a skull fracture that led to an addiction to the painkiller Percodan. 1965年,喜剧演员杰瑞-刘易斯在出演“安迪-威廉姆斯秀”时,不幸摔倒,造成头骨骨折。他不得不依赖止痛药,并对此上了瘾。
- His cousin Paul (Vincent Gallo) dreams of being a great actor while his uncle Leo (Jerry Lewis) dreams of climbing up Cadillacs he sells to reach the moon. 表哥保罗整天发明星梦,电影对白倒背如流;舅父里奥半生梦想自己所卖的车叠起来可以让他爬上月球。
- Jerry Lee Lewis was a rock 'n' roll singer. 杰里·李·刘易斯是初期摇滚乐歌手。
- The guest speaker will be our old friend John Lewis. 特邀演讲者将是我们的老朋友约翰。路易斯。
- He was now in the measures of Lewis XIV. 他此刻正与路易十四共商大计。
- Jerry left the examination room with a light heart. 杰利轻松愉快地离开了考场。
- Jerry disliked his job so he gave it up. 杰瑞不喜欢他的工作,所以把它放弃了。
- It was adapted from a novel by Sinclair Lewis. 它是根据辛克莱·刘易斯的一部小说改写的。
- a tragic fall on "The Andy Williams Show " in 1965, comedian Jerry Lewis suffered a skull fracture that led to an addiction to the painkiller Percodan. 1965年,喜剧演员杰瑞-刘易斯在出演“安迪-威廉姆斯秀”时,不幸摔倒,造成头骨骨折。他不得不依赖止痛药,并对此上了瘾。
- 7. After a tragic fall on "The Andy Williams Show" in 1965, comedian Jerry Lewis suffered a skull fracture that led to an addiction to the painkiller Percodan. 1965年,喜剧演员杰瑞-刘易斯在出演“安迪-威廉姆斯秀”时,不幸摔倒,造成头骨骨折。他不得不依赖止痛药,并对此上了瘾。收藏指正
- 85. After a tragic fall on "The Andy Williams Show " in 1965, comedian Jerry Lewis suffered a skull fracture that led to an addiction to the painkiller Percodan. 1965年,喜剧演员杰瑞-刘易斯在出演“安迪-威廉姆斯秀”时,不幸摔倒,造成头骨骨折。他不得不依赖止痛药,并对此上了瘾。
- Jerry: I never had a beard. I kept my hair inside the helmet. 杰端:我以前是从不留胡子,我头发是在头盔里。
- Sinclair Lewis was stormy petrel in his life as in his books. 辛克莱。刘易斯在他的生活中也像他的书中一样是个制造麻烦的人。
- It pays to keep in with Jerry; he knows everything that goes on around here. 值得同杰里友好相处,他了解这里所发生的一切。
- Jerry has offered to take a share in the work. 杰里表示愿意参加这项工作。
- In filling up the post, the boss passed Lewis over in favour of Cary. 在填空补缺时,老板不考虑刘易斯而赏识卡里。