- That's a deduction from Jeremy Bentham's theory of interest. 这是根据虞莱弥·朋撒姆关于高利贷的理论推演出来的。
- The economists of his day took their cue from Jeremy Bentham and his“ utilitarian” philosophy. 他那个时代的经济学家们承袭了杰里米?沁及其实用主义哲学的衣钵。
- Jeremy Bentham is the founder of the British utilitarianism in the second half of 18~(th) century. 边沁是18世纪后半叶英国功利主义学派的奠基人。
- The economists of his day took their cue from Jeremy Bentham and his "utilitarian" philosophy. 他那个时代的经济学家们承袭了杰里米?边沁及其实用主义哲学的衣钵。
- It is not surprising that some philosophers, such as Thomas Malthus and Jeremy Bentham, tried to remove emotion from their visions of social reform. 而哲学家们,如托马斯?马尔萨斯和杰尼米?边沁,尝试去掉情感成分来看待社会改革的努力也就不足为奇了。
- Jeremy Bentham and John Austin declared that the Equity was full of morality and lack of stability. 边沁与奥斯丁指责衡平法充满道德内容,因而缺乏确定性。
- The ethical theory proposed by Jeremy Bentham and James Mill that all action should be directed toward achieving the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. 功利主义一种杰瑞米·边沁和詹姆士·穆勒提出的伦理学理论,这种理论认为所有行动须为最大多数人获得最大幸福。
- Doctrine that the useful is the good especially as elaborated by Jeremy Bentham and James Mill the aim being the greatest happiness for of greatest number. 主张有用即是好的主义:由jeremybentham和jamesmill推广,目的在于制造最大利益给最多数的人的。
- First is utilitarianism, going back to Jeremy Bentham, with its emphasis on maximizing the total "utility" of a community by achieving "the greatest good for the greatest number. 第一种哲学传统,乃为效用主义,此一主义,可回溯至边沁。该哲学强调“须最大化社群之总‘效用’,从而实现‘最大多数之最大幸福’”。
- The utilitarian philosophy of Jeremy Bentham, holding that pleasure is the chief end of life and that the greatest happiness for the greatest number should be the ultimate goal of human beings. 边沁主义杰里米 边沁的功利主义者哲学,认为快乐是人生的主要追求,使最多数人得到最大幸福应是人类的终极目标
- Studies on the Legal Thought of Jeremy Bentham 边沁法律思想之研究
- A review of Jeremy Bentham and his utilitarian education 边沁功利主义教育思想述评
- A Brief Thesis on Jeremy Bentham's Utilitarian Thought and Legal Reform 简论边沁的功利思想及法律改革
- Jeremy Bentham.Theory of Legislation(2nd)(M).trans.by R.Hildreth,London:Tr bner &Co,1876 (英)彼得.斯坦,约翰.香德.西方社会的法律价值(M).王献平译.北京:中国人民公安大学出版社,1990
- What is it that should trace the insuperable line?.The question is not, Can they reason? Nor Can they talk? But, Can they suffer?(Jeremy Bentham) 是什么才是最关键的?答案不在于它们能否思考,也不在于它们能否说话,而在于它们能否感受到痛苦。(边沁)
- She thinks I'm going out with Jeremy but she's completely on the wrong tack. 她认为我准备同杰里米外出,但是她的想法完全错了。
- What is it that should trace the insuperable line? question is not, Can they reason? nor Can they talk? but, Can they suffer? (Jeremy Bentham 是什么才是最关键的?答案不在于它们能否思考,也不在于它们能否说话,而在于它们能否感受到痛苦。(边沁)
- What is it that should trace the insuperable line? ...The question is not, Can they reason? nor Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?(Jeremy Bentham 是什么才是最关键的?答案不在于它们能否思考,也不在于它们能否说话,而在于它们能否感受到痛苦。(边沁)
- Bentham, George (1800-84) British botanist. 本瑟姆:英国植物学家。
- Jeremy will be my friend until hell freezes over. 杰里米将永远是我的朋友。