- Jeff connected the caravan to the car. 杰夫把大蓬车挂在汽车上。
- There are three foster children in our home. 我们家有三个领养的孩子。
- Jeff Foster 杰弗·福斯特
- The captain decided to take Jeff off and try a slower bowler. 队长决定把杰夫换下来,换上一个慢一点的投球手。
- Jeff became so mad at Mike that he threw a punch at him. 杰夫对迈克大为发怒,向他一拳揍去。
- Mr Foster is sorry that he cannot accept your invitation to dinner. 福斯特先生不能接受你的宴请,深表歉意。
- Concerts foster interest in music. 音乐会培养对音乐的兴趣。
- Detect and foster artistic talent. 发展并培养艺术才能
- Foster parents; foster grandparents; a foster home. 养父母; 寄养的祖父母; 寄养的家庭
- The mother tried to foster her son's interest in music. 母亲设法培养儿子对音乐的兴趣。
- Jeff: Now its scale is getting larger and larger. 杰夫:现在规模越来越大。
- Jeff is an honest man; he cuts square corners. 杰夫为人诚实,做事规规矩矩。
- Jeff: Is he who wrote the novel Besieged City? 杰夫: 就是写过小说《围城》的那位吗?
- Jeff: Is the scale of the Asian Games large? 杰夫: 亚运会的规模大吗?
- Wait for foster mother to give birth to the clone. 等待“养母”产下克隆幼仔。
- Jeff: It was not a legend. It is true. 杰夫: 不是据说,是真的。
- He is going to run against Foster. 他准备与福斯特竞选。
- Jeff: Let me tell you one of the items. 杰夫:我先给大家介绍一种。
- Jeff: Look! Is that the photo of Deng Yaping? 杰夫: 你看,那不是邓亚萍的照片吗?
- Jeff: Oh. It is held once every two years. 杰夫:噢,原来是每两年举行一届。