- At least124 people have died in Japan since July from4) side-effects believed to be caused by a lung cancer drug sold by British-based AstraZeneca, the Japanese health ministry said yesterday. 日本卫生部门昨天指出,从七月份到现在,日本至少已经有一百二十四人因服用英国药厂阿斯特捷利康贩售的肺癌治疗药剂,产生副作用而死亡。
- Japanese health ministry official 日本厚生省官员
- Japanese health ministry 日本厚生省
- Notice of Health Ministry of P.R.C. 中华人民共和国卫生部公告。
- In Japan, the health ministry confirmed the country's first case of a genetic mutation of the new H1N1 influenza that shows resistance to Tamiflu, the main antiviral flu drug. 在日本,卫生部确认了该国第一例病毒出现变异的H1N1流感病例,变异后的病毒对主要抗流感药物达菲具有抗药性。
- The Health Ministry said 104 babies showed serious symptoms. 卫生部说104名婴儿呈现严重的症状。
- Take off your tie, says the Italian health ministry. 听听意大利卫生部的意见:摘掉你的领带。
- The Health Ministry has to be notified of any infectious diseases in the area. 卫生部必须了解该地区任何传染病的情况。
- The number of Japanese who killed themselves because of work jumped 52 percent last year, while work-induced mental illness also hit a record high, according to Health Ministry official Junichiro Kurashige. 据卫生省官员小泉英树介绍,去年,日本因工作而自杀的人数上涨了52%25,而由工作所引起的心理疾病的患病数也创下新高。
- Any infectious disease must be notified at once to the Health Ministry. 任何传染病都必须立即报告卫生部。
- The Health Ministry said Friday it was launching a nationwide investigation. 卫生部门在星期五说他们正在进行全国性的调查。
- Japanese health officials reported four confirmed cases and Tawian two cases of the A/H1N1 virus stemming from overseas flights. 日本卫生官员报告了四例甲型H1N1流感确诊病例,台湾也公布了两例确诊病例。
- Japanese health authorities have reported the country's 10th case of mad cow disease, after a suspected dairy cow was confirmed to have the disease after a series of tests. 日本卫生部报告出现了第10例疯牛病,一只可疑的乳牛在一系列的测试之後被确诊患有疯牛病。
- Want to help fight global warming? Take off your tie, says the Italian health ministry. 想为遏制全球变暖出一份力吗?听听意大利卫生部的意见:摘掉你的领带。
- And the South African health ministry has supported the use of beetroot, lemons and garlic to treat HIV. 就连南非卫生部都支持过使用甜菜根、柠檬和大蒜来治疗艾滋病。
- To do this, the Health Ministry has begun a television campaign that endorses the use of condoms for safe sex. 为此,卫生部已经发起电视宣传活动来鼓励使用安全套进行安全性行为。
- The Health Ministry said his itinerary began in St.Louis and took him through St.Paul, Minn., Tokyo and Beijing. 卫生部说他的旅行路线是从圣路易斯,到东京,到北京。
- None of those quarantined had shown any signs of being infected, the Chinese Health Ministry said. “检疫的结果是没有任何被感染的迹象。”中国卫生部称。
- Last month, the Health Ministry banned the use of electroshock therapy as a treatment. 上个月,健康部门曾禁令使用电击疗法。
- The most recent survey by the health ministry found that almost 2% of the population were alcoholics. 日本厚生省最近的一项调查显示,近2%25的日本人是酒鬼。