- We are thinking of expanding our line of business in Japan as the Japanese economy is finally beginning to show a recovery. 由于日本经济正开始复苏,我公司考虑把业务扩展到日本。
- The Bank of Japan (BOJ) has given an upbeat assessment of the Japanese economy and hinted it may soon withdraw some emergency support measures. 日本银行对日本经济给出了一个乐观的评估并暗示其将会出台一些紧急支持方案。
- How did Japanese Economy Fall into the Trap Laid by the U.S. 日本经济怎样掉进了美国设计的陷阱。
- The fundamentals of the Japanese economy remain strong. 日本经济的基本因素依然良好。
- Underlying Japan's accelerating frugality is a “deflationary gap” of 40 trillion yen in the Japanese economy, a situation where total demand falls short of what an economy produces. 潜在的日本加快节省的政策造成了日本经济40万亿日元的通货紧缩缺口,这种形势就是总需求低于经济生产。
- The recovery of the Japanese economy after the war surprised many people. 战后日本的经济复苏使许多人惊讶。
- Japan's efforts were widely regarded as too late, coming after many years of pain, but the Bank of Japan is now at it all over again, as the Japanese economy hurtles into a severe recession. 日本的努力被广泛认为是太晚了,痛苦了很多年之后才采取措施,但是,由于日本经济陷入严重衰退,日本银行现在再一次忙个不停。
- After 10 years of stagnation, the Japanese economy has finally turned around. 在停顿了10年以后,日本的经济正在转好。
- Deflation has been the bane of the Japanese economy over the past decade's slump. 通货紧缩已成为日本经济过去十年内大衰退的祸根。
- When the Japanese economy was booming,all the Japanese classes here were packed with students. 以前日本经济不错的时代,日语学校的教室里都是座无虚席。
- The Japanese economy has gradually regained its vitality after emerging from a prolonged downturn. 日本经济在走出长期低迷的境况后,复苏的动力正逐步加强。
- His second term cabinet still took reform on administrative structure as its main task to revitalize Japanese economy. 2004年的小泉二期内阁依然以行政构造改革为主要任务,力图使日本经济重新走上长期健康发展的轨道。
- When the Japanese economy was booming, all the Japanese classes here were packed with students. 以前日本经济不错的时代,日语学校的教室里都是座无虚席。
- The Nikkei shed an unprecedented 42% last year, today its rise has come despite a deepening slump in Japanese economy. 去年日经股指史无前例的下跌了42%25,尽管日本的经济不景气日趋深化,仍迎来了上涨。
- But the Japanese economy is so big and resilient that while it might stagger,it could absorb the quake's blow. 但日本经济非常强大,而且韧性十足,因此这次地震后日本经济或许呈现不稳,但终会挺过此打击。
- This shows Japanese economy ebbs further, be immersed in afterwar the grimmest situation. 这表明日本经济进一步衰退,陷入战后最严峻的局面。
- The BoJ has been held back until now by the choppy state of the Japanese economy. 到目前为止,央行仍受变化不定的日本经济的影响而踌躇不前。
- Till hall of Japanese economy plan just was describing his first 1995,used when economic atmosphere " anabiosis " word. 直至1995年日本经济计划厅才首次在描述其经济状况时使用了“复苏”的字眼。
- Japanese economy has maintained two years of many steady growth continuously, show anabiosis apparently posture. 日本经济已经连续保持两年多稳定增长,表现出明显复苏态势。
- Japanese economy foreground nots allow hopeful, the reform shoulder heavy responsibilities of springlet government. 日本经济前景不容乐观,小泉政府的改革任重道远。