- Jack has a model plane. 杰克有一架飞机模型.
- Let him have a look at the model plane. 让他看看这个飞机模型。
- Jack has a wealth of management abilities. 杰克拥有很强的管理能力。
- Jack has a red apple and a green one. 杰克有一个红苹果和一个绿苹果。
- Jack has a black cat and Pat has a black bag. 杰克有一只黑色的猫,而且帕特有一个黑色的袋子。
- In fact, Jack has a much high reding ability. 实际上,杰克有着很高的阅读才能。
- John and Jack had dropped behind in order to be alone and have a talk. 为了能单独在一起谈谈,约翰和杰克故意走在别人后面。
- Let me get out of here before Jack has a chance to put the touch on me for another10 bucks. 趁杰克来不及开口向我再借10元钱之前,我快点离开这儿吧。
- On the table we have a model of the Eiffel Tower. 我们在桌子上放了一个埃菲尔铁塔模型。
- The doctor finds that Jack had a high fever. 医生发现杰克发高烧。
- Jack had a greater liking for law. 杰克更爱好法律。
- Jack had a sudden inspiration for a new plan. 杰克突然灵感一来有了新计画。
- They had a model and everything. 他们还搞了一套模型,应有尽有。
- Jack has a knack of making friends wherever he goes. 杰克有一种走到哪里都能交到朋友的本事。
- Jack has a nice singing voice.Sometimes he sounds like Paul Simon. 杰克嗓音不错,有时听起来还有点像保罗·西蒙。
- Jack has learnt a lesson, and will make good. 杰克已经吸取了教训,会改过自新的。
- Mum! Can I have a model car? B. Can I have a cake, Mum? 你想要吃块蛋糕,怎么对妈妈讲?
- Farmer contends you have a model in your head of how baseballs fly. 法默坚信你的脑子里有一个关于棒球是如何飞行的模型。
- Jack has a set of the Beatles'songs recorded from the original onto tape. 杰克有一组从原声带上转录的披头士乐队的歌曲。
- Jack has gone in for the high-jump, but I don't think he has a chance to win. 杰克去参加跳高比赛了,但我觉得他获胜机会很小。