- It really makes you appreciate. 这还真的让你庆幸。
- Thank you for the gift you give me. It really makes my day. 谢谢你的礼物,我很开心。
- Should it really make you sick? 它真的让你觉得恶心吗?
- In the end, what difference does it really make? 最终会形成不同结论吗?
- And make you appreciate ancient relics of civilization. 还能让你领略古老悠久的文明遗迹。
- Thanks for sending me those flowers. It really makes my day! 谢谢你送给我这些花,这真让我感到高兴。
- It really makes my blood boil when this sort of thing happens. 这种情况真让我恼火。
- It really make my blood boil when this sort of thing happen . 发生这种事真叫我恼火。
- Does it really make sense to say what price to charge for each? 所支付的价格真的有意义吗?
- Mary : They really make you jump through a lot of hoops! 玛莉:层层考验真的让人应接不暇!
- It really makes no sense to condemn Renard's work on the grounds of previous authors turning out to be frauds. 为了过去一些作者后来被揭发是骗子,而也因此定罪雷纳的著作,实在没有什麽道理。
- However, would it really make sense to create a Web application that doesn't accept user input? 但是,创建不接受用户输入的Web应用程序,又有什么意义呢?
- It really makes me see red. 这真叫我冒火。
- The story is so gripping;it makes you thirst for the next episode. 这故事是那么扣人心弦,使人急于要知道下文如何。
- I don't think you appreciate how expensive it will be. 我想你不了解它会有多昂贵。
- We call it human rather than dolphin or whale although in a sense it really makes no difference. 我们将其称呼为人类而不是海豚或鲸鱼,尽管这在某种程度上其实并没有区别。
- Do you appreciate the full meaning of this letter? 你意识到了这封信的含义了吗?
- Kelly Dwyer's Endless Grey Ribbon: This team really makes you want to bound around the room, gleefully, pumping fists and giddy at its prospects. 这支球队真的可以让你遐想联翩,其前景一片光明。
- Do you appreciate Beijing Opera? 你喜欢京剧吗?
- The complaint about weirdness is aesthetic rather than scientific, and it really makes sense only in the Aristotelian worldview. 至于对其怪异的抱怨,则是美学而非科学上的问题,而且只有在亚里士多德的世界观里才有意义。