- It also helps blood circulate. 促进血液循环。
- It also helps the pelican to oil its feathers. 它还帮鹈鹕润滑它的羽毛。
- It also helps me to regain my figure faster. 我还可以快点恢复产前体态!
- It also helps reduce air pollution. 和减低空气污染。
- It also helps to do a few affirmations before you go to sleep, e.g. 在你睡觉以前进行一些肯定也有助益,例如:“我会记得看手表。”
- It also help the inventors to sell or license their invention. 它还帮助发明人出售和许可他们的发明。
- It also stimulates blood circulation and supports our digestive system. 它也促进血液的循环,支持我们的消化系统。
- It also helps to throw into relief their common search for literary kingdom. 这也可以帮助我们了解他们对于文学王国的共同探索。
- It also helps struggle against anti-science and pseudoscience during SC. 这将有助于在科学传播的实践中与反科学和伪科学等作斗争。
- Swimming gives me an appetite, but it also helps to keep my weight down. 游泳使我有食欲,但也帮助我控制体重。
- Aloe Vera also helps facilitate our blood circulation, and helps in angiectasis, and helps increase the flowing of blood stream inside our skin. 在一般营养学家的研究报告里,芦荟可促进新陈代谢,提高免疫系统能力,使胰脏功能逐渐恢复正常。
- It also helps many moms when they are feeling fatigued or even nauseated. 在妈妈们感到疲乏或者恶心的时候,它也能帮上忙。
- It also helps when one side is so atrocious that we loathe their existence. 它也帮助我们,当一方太残酷而使我们厌恶它的存在的时候。
- Experts note that it also helps to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. 专家们指出,多喝水保持身体内的水分也有助于减轻那些症状。
- It also helps to curl your lashes and swipe on an extra coat of mascara. 卷曲睫毛,涂上一层睫毛膏,同样也有帮助。
- It also helps if you are organized and vary your tasks, during any given day. 如果你把你每一天不同的任务都安排得井然有序,对你注意力的提高也是有帮助的。
- Getting rid of defilements, purifying negative karma, loose physique, helping blood circulation and rib cum ankle pains are distinguishing features. 除障消业、净化去秽、活络筋骨、消除疲劳、滋养五脏六腑、改善肢节肿胀、助气血循环。
- Millions of people believe it also helps to overcome fatigue, helps to fight against premature aging, and detoxifies the blood. 数以百万计的人相信,瓜拉那提取物可驱走疲劳,预防过早衰老及促进血液排毒。
- It also helps your body bend forwards, backwards and sideways, and improves the way you hold your body. 舞蹈还可以帮助你的身体前弯,后仰,两侧转动,而且还可以改进控制体态的方法。
- FAO doesn't just help countries protect their forests; it also helps them promote their forest products. 粮农组织不仅帮助各国保护其森林,它还帮助他们推广其森林产品。