- The Israeli navy intercepted a ship carrying what it said were hundreds of tonnes of Iranian weapons bound for Hizbullah forces in Lebanon. 以色列海军截获了一艘货船,据称船上装载了数百吨伊朗提供给黎巴嫩真主党武装力量的武器装备。
- Just six years later, during the 1973 Jom Kippur War, the Israeli Navy was targeted by as many as 52 Soviet made anti ship missiles, yet no one hit its target, mostly thanks to the Electtronica made EW suites fitted on the Israeli FACs. 仅隔 6年 ,在1973年的“斋月”之战中 ,以色列海军舰只曾受到 5 2枚苏制反舰导弹的攻击 ,但却无一命中 ,这在很大程度上是由于以色列快速攻击艇安装了有效的电子战系统。
- Israeli Prime Minister's Office says international forces will replace Israelis' Navy position of Lebanon's airports and seaports. 以总理公署表示,国际部队将接替以海军在黎机场和海港的岗位。
- Beiyang Navy is the earliest naval force of China. 北洋水师是中国最早的海军部队。
- He is a gunner of the British navy. 他是英国海军的一名炮手。
- He had been a sailor in the U.S. navy. 他曾在美国海军当水兵。
- They enlisted four hundred recruits for the navy. 他们为海军徵募了四百名新兵。
- A sun-powered refrigerator has been developed by two Israeli engineers. 一个用太阳能的电冰箱已由两位以色列的工程师发展成功了。
- A captain in the army ranks below a captain in the navy. 陆军上尉的阶级比海军上校的低。
- Israeli Navy 以色列海军
- I am sorry, but navy blue is the dark we have in stock. 对不起,海军蓝是我们现在的最深的颜色了。
- He messed with me/We messed together when we were in the Navy. 我们在海军时,他和我共餐[我们共餐]。
- Britain has always had a large navy, called the Royal Navy. 英国一直有一支强大的海军,称为皇家海军。
- He recited Israeli losses during the war. 他又诉说以色列在战争中的损失。
- My father served in the navy during the Second World War. 我父亲在第二次世界大战期间在海军服役。
- Our information on Israeli intentions was sketchy. 我们得到的有关以色列意图的情报非常粗略。
- This monumental pillar was built in memory of a great navy victory. 这根纪念柱是为纪念一场海战的大胜而建的。
- The second Israeli channel sprang to life again. 以色列的第二条通讯渠道突然又活跃起来。
- Before his retirement from the navy, he was a commander. 从海军退伍之前,他是个中校。
- Modern English; New Hebrew is Israeli Hebrew. 现代英语;现代希伯来语是以色列希伯来语。