- As a present international political power named "Religion Revive", Islamic Fundamentalism's origin, development and prevalence are closely related to that of Islam and Islamic countries. 伊斯兰原教旨主义作为当今打着“宗教复兴”旗号的一种国际政治力量,它的产生、发展和兴起是与伊斯兰教和伊斯兰教国家的产生、发展息息相关的。
- But,Palestinian problem and the behaviors of Islamic fundamentalism do damage this kind of relations. 不过,巴勒斯坦问题和伊斯兰原教旨主义者的活动使两国关系受损。
- Russia's brutal repression and lawlessness have pushed people towards Islamic fundamentalism. 俄罗斯的血腥镇压及法律的缺失使人们陷入了伊斯兰原教旨主义。
- Islamic traditional culture,Islamic fundamentalism and family rule,however,prevent the future Gulf women from being liberated. 不过,伊斯兰传统文化、伊斯兰原教旨主义和家族统治等因素阻碍海湾妇女的发展,并为未来海湾妇女的发展埋下隐忧。
- Conservatives, including non-believers, also consider a church led by Pope Benedict to be a stout bulwark against Islamic fundamentalism. 保守派,包括无信仰派,也将本笃教宗领导的教会看成对抗伊斯兰原教旨主义者的坚固堡垒。
- But for American officials, it raises the troubling spectre of Islamic fundamentalism acquiring a foothold close to the American mainland. 然而对美国的反恐官员来讲,此次事件提出了另一个问题:伊斯兰教中原教主义分子试图策划将其恐怖基地定位于美国附近的区域。
- Extreme secularization of religion results to extreme sanctification, and this is why modern Islamic fundamentalism comes into being. 极端的宗教世俗化必然会导致极端的宗教神圣化,这就是现代伊斯兰原教旨主义产生的内在原因之一。
- Aftertaking the power in Iran, Sudan and other countries, Islamic fundamentalism becamean independent political force in the world political arena. 简单地说,伊斯兰原教旨主义在20世纪70年代末期复兴,并在伊朗、苏丹等国家取得政权,表明其作为一种独立的政治力量登上世界政治舞台。
- A copy of the “Plan to Combat Islamic Fundamentalism” was published by Taraf, a liberal daily newspaper, on June 12th. 6月12日,这份名为“打击伊斯兰原教旨主义计划“的内容被一份自由派报纸Taraf日报公之于众。
- In the past decade,with the rising tide of the Islamic Resurgent Movement,the Islamic fundamentalism has become a very important social power in the region. 过去的十余年间,由于伊斯兰复兴运动勃然兴起,伊斯兰原教旨主义成为中东地区举足轻重的社会力量。
- The region has seen a surge in home-grown Islamic fundamentalism, increasing lawlessness among the police and security services and feuding between local clans. 这个地区土生土长的伊斯兰原教旨主义思想泛滥,警察与安全部门越来越目无法纪,当地家族间长期争斗。
- Hamas,developing rapidly in late 1980's,has become a radical Islamic fundamentalism and has had a decisive position in Palestinian political life since then. 哈马斯作为巴勒斯坦一支激进的原教旨主义力量,迅速崛起于20世纪80年代末,长期以来它在巴勒斯坦政治生活中举足轻重。
- The Koran is the sacred book of Islam. 《可兰经》是回教的圣典。
- Capt Bhatnagar identified its maritime priorities as energy security, protecting sea lanes, combating Islamic fundamentalism and res-ponding to China's aggressive modernisation plans. 博哈特纳迦上校认为,印度海军的首要任务包括:能源安全、保护海上运输线、打击伊斯兰原教旨主义,以及应对中国海军积极的现代化计划。
- The policy was the embodiment of Islamic fundamentalism and was enforced by radical means.It made agreat impact, both on Iran itself in particular, and the Persian Gulf region in general. 此一政策是霍梅尼政权之伊斯兰基本教义的具体呈现,其政策推动不乏激进及暴力的手段,对伊朗本身及波湾区域之政治格局均产生至深且钜的影响,并引发国际之注目。
- The article is to be directed by Marxist historical theory and makes full use of the knowledge of history, politics and sociology to investigate the meaning of Islamic Fundamentalism. 本文拟以马克思主义的唯物史观为指导,综合运用政治学、历史学与社会学的研究方法,以“原教旨主义”的概念作为切入点,详细阐述伊斯兰原教旨主义的涵义;
- Subsequent events, not least the attacks on the US of September 11 2001, the rise of Islamic fundamentalism and the ensuing "war on terror", appeared to offer greater weight to Huntington's thesis. 随后发生的事件,尤其是2001年美国9/11恐怖袭击、伊斯兰原教旨主义兴起、以及随之而来的“反恐战争”,似乎为亨廷顿的理论增加了更多砝码。
- The Sunni compose about90 per cent of present-day Islam. 目前回教百分之九十属於正统派。
- The army has ordered an investigation.But it has just as promptly declared the colonel to be innocent and the document, entitled “The Plan to Combat Islamic Fundamentalism”, a fake. 土耳其军方已下令调查,但是随即宣称此上校是无辜的,并且那份名为“打击伊斯兰教原教旨主义的计划”纯属虚构。
- When the US government fanned up Islamic fundamentalism and made use of Bin Laden as a weapon against the Soviet Union, it did not hesitate about upholding such large-scale terrorist means. 当你们把奥萨玛.宾拉登当作煽动回教基本教义派来对抗苏联的武器时,你们是毫不在乎地支持他使用这种大规模的杀戮手段。