- Ishizaki Manabu 石崎学(1914-),日本人,医学家。
- Despite this, Manabu is determined to join, and boards the train to Destiny Station, the story leads on from there. 蕾拉帮助着铁道站的旅行者们而被称为命运的守护者。然而,威胁银河铁道的最大危机迫近,而有纪的命运又会如何呢?
- Just two minutes after the goal, Kah went close from a corner, before Ishizaki sent a stinging drive in, only to be denied by Palop once more. 赛季初,瓦伦西亚把奥利维拉当成本赛季己队的希望,可是4轮联赛后,他的表现只能用让人用“失望”来形容。
- Designers Keiko + Manabu have created an installation called Heart of Shapes at the Diesel Denim Gallery Aoyama in Tokyo, Japan. 设计师惠子+学创造了一个安装所谓心的形状在柴油机牛仔画廊青山在日本东京。
- Manabu Sugimoto, associate professor at Okayama University, hopes that the latest experiment will help human space exploration in the future. 日本冈本大学的教授杉本学先生,希望藉由这样的实验能帮助人类未来对太空的探索。
- In "Galileo," Fukuyama Masaharu plays a genius physicist and university associate professor, Yukawa Manabu, who solves difficult mysteries. 在“伽利略”,福山雅治扮演一个天才物理学家和大学的副教授,汤川学,谁解决困难的奥秘。
- The neibour's name is Ishigami Tetsuya.He is a high school mathematics teacher.As far as physicist, Yukawa Manabu, is concerned, Ishigami is a real genius. 大学时代被誉为百年难得一见的数学天才石神(堤真一饰),长大后只是一个不起眼的高中数学老师,他每天唯一的乐趣就是去固定的便当店买午餐,只为了看一眼在便当店工作的邻居靖子的身影。
- Hideki, S. , and Yoshio, K. , and Hidekazu, N. , and Manabu A. , “Trailing Twist Axle Suspension Design Using ADAMS” , Toyota Central R&D Labs, Inc, March 2000, pp.5-9. 吴德和、郑玮嵘,“利用ADAMS分析引擎运转对摩托车车架震动之影响”,国立屏东科技大学机械工程研究所硕士学位论文,民国八十九年六月。
- Detective Kusanagi is looking to solve a murder mystery, and he gets back in touch with his former badminton teammate, the brilliant professor Yukawa Manabu. 侦探草正在寻找解决的一宗谋杀案之谜,以及他能在与他接触前羽毛球队的辉煌教授汤川学。
- The company teamed up on the project with Okayama University biologist Manabu Sugimoto, who has been part of a Russian space project to explore ways to grow edible plants in space. 目前,札幌控股正与日本冈山大学的生物学家杉本学合作开发这一项目。杉本学一直在参与俄罗斯太空食用作物项目的开发与研究。
- Author Wang Zhenfan;Manabu Kiuchi; 作者王振范;木内学;
- Ishizaki Shin 石崎新(1915-),日本人,法律顾问。
- Ishizaki Akira 石崎昭(1931-),日本人,警官。
- Ishizaki Tatsuo 石崎龙雄(1928-),日本人,陆军军官。
- Ishizaki Jūrō 石崎重郎(1905-),日本人,实业家。
- Ishizaki Arinobu 石崎有信(1909-),日本人,医学教授。
- Ishizaki 石崎
- Manabu Sato 佐藤学
- Taguchi Manabu 田口学(1930-),日本人,工会负责人。
- Shiga Manabu 志贺学(1930-),日本人,官员。