- Ishikawa Mitsuteru 石川光昭(1897-?),日本人,医学家。
- Asano Takeo Nagashima Rei Ishikawa Kyozo Fuyuki Taiz. 主演: Kokuten Kodo 月形龙之介 Saburo Sawai Shinjir.
- Two of the best gyosho in Japan are shottsuru from Akita Prefecture and ishiru from Ishikawa Prefecture. 日本具有代表性的鱼酱油有秋田县产的SHOTTSURU、石川县的ISHIRU。
- An iterative method is designed to advance the Ishikawa iteration and solve perturbed equations of accretive operators. 主要研究了用迭代法求解增生算子紧扰动方程。
- A systematic way of looking at the causes and effects of the problem, and how they are related. This is also known as a Fishbone or Ishikawa diagram. 因果图是一,结果及二者如何相互关联的方法。也叫做鱼。
- In Ishikawa prefecture, on the Japan Sea coast, a resident found 13 crucian carp on and around his truck, each about 3cm long. 在位于日本沿海地区的石川县,一居民在其卡车周围发现了13鲫鱼,每条约3厘米长。
- English: 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Museum, at Kanazawa Ishikawa Japan, design by SANAA (Kazuyo Sejima+Ryue Nishizawa) in 1999-2004. 日本语:金沢21世纪美术馆、日本国石川県金沢市、SANAA(妹岛和世+西沢隆卫)设计、1999-2004年。
- The Fishbone Diagram was invented by Professor Kaoru Ishikawa of Tokyo University, a highly regarded Japanese expert in quality management. 鱼骨图的发明人石川馨教授,任教于日本东京大学,他是日本杰出的质量管理大师。
- Krylov writer said: "The reality is that on this side, vision is the other side, the middle of the river rapids, Ishikawa action is set up on a bridge. 作家克雷洛夫说过:“现实是此岸,理想是彼岸,中间有湍急的河流,行动则是架起石川上的桥梁。”
- Department of Imaging Diagnosis and Interventional Radiology, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Science, Ishikawa, Japan. 日本金泽大学医学院副院长,影像诊断与介入放射学部心血管科主任。
- People around the country have reported witnessing the phenomenon since the first sightings of stranded tadpoles were made in Ishikawa prefecture last week. 自从上周在石川县有市民第一次看到搁浅的蝌蚪,随后一直有民众报告说其目睹了这一现象。
- Naruke T, Suemasu K, Ishikawa S. Lymph node mapping and curability at various levels of metastasis in resected lung cancer. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg,1978,76(6): 832-839. [向明章.;肺脏血管、淋巴管与神经
- A file photo taken on October 4, 2006 shows a diver attaching a sensor on a large Echizen jellyfish off the coast of Komatsu in Ishikawa prefecture, northern Japan. 图为2006年10月4日的档案照,照片中可见一潜水人员正在日本北部百峰村小松岸外海域帮一只大型越前水母装感应器。
- Ishikawa iterative process with errors for solutions to variational inclusions with m-accretive type mappings in Banach spaces[J].Appl Math J Chinese Univ:Ser A,2002,17(1):43-50. Banach空间中m-增生型变分包含问题解的具误差的Ishikawa迭代程序[J].;高校应用数学学报;2002;17(1):43-50
- Base on considering developing countries and developing economics, Ishikawa Shigeru lucubrates to the problem of aid policy, and advances new model of aid policy. 基于对发展中国家的考虑与发展经济学的需要,石川滋近年来提出新发展援助模型,对发展援助问题进行深入研究。
- From all over Japan, including Miyagi Prefecture, Chiba Prefecture, Ishikawa Prefecture, and other companies a total of 10 people took part in the classes. 来自日本各地,包括宫城县、千叶县、石川县等共10家厂商派人参加了学习班。
- The trio will certainly attract large galleries at the Scottish links course with Westwood among the main hopes for a home victory and Ishikawa the emerging star of Japanese golf. 在这苏格兰的林克斯型高球场,这三人组铁定会吸引大群随行观众,韦斯武是当地人冀望夺魁的人选之一,而石川辽则是日本高球新星。
- The44- year-old officer knifed himself at his home in northwestern Japan on May23, but told police he had been attacked, prompting an attempted murder investigation, Ishikawa prefecture police said in a statement. 日本西北部石川县的警方在一份声明中称,这位44岁警察五月二十三日在家中用刀自残,但他谎称自己遭到了袭击,警方由此展开了一桩故意谋杀案的调查。
- In this chapter, some conclusions are extended to the real Banach space under different mappings, and a proof on the equivalence of Mann and Ishikawa iterative processes with errors under the uniformly pseudo-contractive mapping is given. 本章主要在已有结论的基础上,又将某些结论推广至实Banach空间中的不同映射情形下,并且还给出了一个带误差的Mann迭代序列的收敛性与带误差的Ishikawa迭代序列在一致伪压缩映射下的收敛性的等价性定理的证明。
- Japanese jazz pianist Yosuke Yamashita, 66, in fireproof gear, plays the piano which was set ablaze for his performance in Shika town, Ishikawa prefecture, central Japan, Saturday, March 8, 2008. 现年66岁的日本爵士钢琴家山下洋辅2008年3月8日身著防火装备在日本中部石川县志贺町弹奏一架为了他的演奏而被点火燃烧的钢琴。山下历时10分钟的演奏在这个沿海城镇吸引了约400名观众。这是他35年来的首次火钢琴演奏。