- Ishii Yoshio 石井良雄(1913-),日本人,实业家。
- Ishii I would like to ask how the world car Wonderland? 请问石井到世界大观怎么坐车?
- O-Ren Ishii: Silly Caucasian girl likes to play with Samurai swords. 愚蠢的高加索女孩爱玩武士刀。
- Results of the study are in line with the works by Dayton and Ishii. 基本上与D ayton和石井博的研究结果一致。
- Ishii rock is located in Chaoyang District Town Guan Yu-Shan village Ishii. 石井岩位于潮阳区关埠镇玉一村石井山。
- Would you please send per return of post all the information you can get respecting Messrs. Ishii & Co. ? 恳请尽量提早告知有关石井公司的各项情报。
- The founders of these three areas are: Yoshio Mikami (1875-1950), Fujikawa Yu (1865-1940), Metro New kura (1873-1938). 在这三个领域的奠基人分别是:三上义夫(1875-1950)、富士川游(1865-1940)、新城新蔵(1873-1938)。
- Li Jun, Yoshio Sato, Akio Noda. An Experimental Study on DME Spray Characteristics and Evaporation Process in a High Pressure Chamber. SAE,2001,2001-01-3635. 文华;刘永长;魏明锐等.;二甲醚和柴油喷雾特性的数值模拟分析
- Mr. Ishii's voice trailed off, for a long time he sat looking at the fatal pages. 石井先生哆嗦的声音停住了,久久地坐在那望着手上这张报噩耗的信笺。
- The movie features Maki Nishiyama and the so-called "musical prince" Yoshio Inoue.It is a fresh love story about a young couple. 想遇见又不能遇见的两人,因为这样不可思议的通信,现在开始了。
- Yasuko Ishii,Fluorophotometry of barbaloin in Aloe[J].Chem Pharm Bull,1984,32(12):4946. 陈丹;包国荣.;高效液相色谱法测定斑纹芦荟中芦荟苷含量[J]
- "He loves to drink, so I once told him to be careful about his drinking," Yoshio Mori, a former prime minister, said in a TV interview. “他喜欢喝酒,所以我曾告诉他要对喝酒多加小心。”前首相森西朗在一个电视采访中如是说。
- The news comes from Yoshimasa Ishii, Toyota's managing officer for overseas marketing. 从吉政石井,丰田的高级管理人员的海外市场。
- Contos JJ,Ishii I,Chun J.Lysophosphatidic acid receptors[J].Mol Pharmacol,2000 ;58 (6):1188-96. 赵瑞平;宋志军;孙凯;等.;急性冠脉综合征患者血浆中溶血磷脂酸水平的临床研究[J]
- Study shows that: Encyrtus sasakii Ishii reproduces annually and overwinters as pupa in their host. 结果显示,纽绵蚧跳小蜂一年发生一代,以蛹在寄主体内越冬。
- Kazuhiro Ishii, an architect of strong personality, creates a unique style in his design. 石井和纮,极具个性色彩的建筑师,设计思维独特、新颖。
- Yoshio Sato,Akira Noda,Tadashi Sakamoto.Combustion and NOx Emission Characteristics in a DI Methanol Engine Using Supercharging with EGR[C].SAE Paper 971647,1997. 压燃式发动机和装用压燃式发动机的车辆排气污染物现值及测试方法[S].
- Would you please send per return of post all the information you can get respecting Messrs. Ishii &Co. ? 恳请尽量提早告知有关石井公司的各项情报。
- Hideki, S. , and Yoshio, K. , and Hidekazu, N. , and Manabu A. , “Trailing Twist Axle Suspension Design Using ADAMS” , Toyota Central R&D Labs, Inc, March 2000, pp.5-9. 吴德和、郑玮嵘,“利用ADAMS分析引擎运转对摩托车车架震动之影响”,国立屏东科技大学机械工程研究所硕士学位论文,民国八十九年六月。
- The museum by architect Yoshio Taniguchi combines two large buildings, one honoring a famous local ceramist and the other containing the city's growing collection of modern art. 由建筑师谷口义雄先生设计的美术馆由两个大型建筑物构成,一个用于纪念著名本地陶瓷艺术家ceramist和其他载有城市的不断增多的现代艺术。