- Ishii Kaoru 石井薰(1935-),日本人,县议员。
- Ishii I would like to ask how the world car Wonderland? 请问石井到世界大观怎么坐车?
- O-Ren Ishii: Silly Caucasian girl likes to play with Samurai swords. 愚蠢的高加索女孩爱玩武士刀。
- Kaoru and Komoto are two milestone characters in Kawabata literature. “薰”与“驹子”是川端文学中两位里程碑式的人物形象。
- The Japanese lighting designer Kaoru Mende also has his point of view. 调研、观察和组合,几乎成了所有设计师要具备的一个能力。
- Results of the study are in line with the works by Dayton and Ishii. 基本上与D ayton和石井博的研究结果一致。
- Kaoru Are you asking if I create something that they can hardly cosplay....? 你是问我,是否创作过一些让他们很难扮装的东西?
- Ishii rock is located in Chaoyang District Town Guan Yu-Shan village Ishii. 石井岩位于潮阳区关埠镇玉一村石井山。
- Would you please send per return of post all the information you can get respecting Messrs. Ishii & Co. ? 恳请尽量提早告知有关石井公司的各项情报。
- Kaoru Kondo (Mi Mula played) this year, 30-year-old, character seriously, in the real estate company when the clerk. 近藤薰(米姆拉饰)今年三十岁,性格认真,目前在不动产公司当业务员。
- Mr. Ishii's voice trailed off, for a long time he sat looking at the fatal pages. 石井先生哆嗦的声音停住了,久久地坐在那望着手上这张报噩耗的信笺。
- Yukawa's partner is a rookie cop, Utsumi Kaoru (Shibasaki Kou), a hot-blooded woman with a strong sense of justice. 汤川的合作伙伴是一个新人警察,内海薰(柴口),一个热血女性具有强烈的正义感。
- Kaoru very Kan Buguan initially, but soon she would like on this special adults. 起初薰非常看不惯,但很快她就喜欢上了这个与众不同的大人。
- Yasuko Ishii,Fluorophotometry of barbaloin in Aloe[J].Chem Pharm Bull,1984,32(12):4946. 陈丹;包国荣.;高效液相色谱法测定斑纹芦荟中芦荟苷含量[J]
- Aya , Kaoru Amane , Erika Sawajiri , you are the most lovely and prettiest girl in my world . 曾经我不明白;一直黑达人;现在我很崇拜达人老师.
- The news comes from Yoshimasa Ishii, Toyota's managing officer for overseas marketing. 从吉政石井,丰田的高级管理人员的海外市场。
- Contos JJ,Ishii I,Chun J.Lysophosphatidic acid receptors[J].Mol Pharmacol,2000 ;58 (6):1188-96. 赵瑞平;宋志军;孙凯;等.;急性冠脉综合征患者血浆中溶血磷脂酸水平的临床研究[J]
- Study shows that: Encyrtus sasakii Ishii reproduces annually and overwinters as pupa in their host. 结果显示,纽绵蚧跳小蜂一年发生一代,以蛹在寄主体内越冬。
- Kazuhiro Ishii, an architect of strong personality, creates a unique style in his design. 石井和纮,极具个性色彩的建筑师,设计思维独特、新颖。
- Under the influence of the Yoko, Kaoru unconsciously begin to change, to experience the liberation of their own, to the self-happiness. 在洋子的影响下,薰不知不觉中开始改变,体验到了解放自身、忠于自我的快乐。