- Ishii Ichiji 石井一二(1936-),日本人,参议员。
- Ishii I would like to ask how the world car Wonderland? 请问石井到世界大观怎么坐车?
- O-Ren Ishii: Silly Caucasian girl likes to play with Samurai swords. 愚蠢的高加索女孩爱玩武士刀。
- Results of the study are in line with the works by Dayton and Ishii. 基本上与D ayton和石井博的研究结果一致。
- Ishii rock is located in Chaoyang District Town Guan Yu-Shan village Ishii. 石井岩位于潮阳区关埠镇玉一村石井山。
- Would you please send per return of post all the information you can get respecting Messrs. Ishii & Co. ? 恳请尽量提早告知有关石井公司的各项情报。
- Mr. Ishii's voice trailed off, for a long time he sat looking at the fatal pages. 石井先生哆嗦的声音停住了,久久地坐在那望着手上这张报噩耗的信笺。
- Yasuko Ishii,Fluorophotometry of barbaloin in Aloe[J].Chem Pharm Bull,1984,32(12):4946. 陈丹;包国荣.;高效液相色谱法测定斑纹芦荟中芦荟苷含量[J]
- The news comes from Yoshimasa Ishii, Toyota's managing officer for overseas marketing. 从吉政石井,丰田的高级管理人员的海外市场。
- Contos JJ,Ishii I,Chun J.Lysophosphatidic acid receptors[J].Mol Pharmacol,2000 ;58 (6):1188-96. 赵瑞平;宋志军;孙凯;等.;急性冠脉综合征患者血浆中溶血磷脂酸水平的临床研究[J]
- Study shows that: Encyrtus sasakii Ishii reproduces annually and overwinters as pupa in their host. 结果显示,纽绵蚧跳小蜂一年发生一代,以蛹在寄主体内越冬。
- Kazuhiro Ishii, an architect of strong personality, creates a unique style in his design. 石井和纮,极具个性色彩的建筑师,设计思维独特、新颖。
- Would you please send per return of post all the information you can get respecting Messrs. Ishii &Co. ? 恳请尽量提早告知有关石井公司的各项情报。
- Japanese starters who switch to the majors have tended to have their best seasons early in their careers.That's what happened with Hidei Nomo, Kaz Ishii, Hideki Irabu and others. 日本出产来到大联盟的投手,通常大部份会在初期表现的比较好,野茂、石井、伊良部或是其他人。
- Ishii S, Koyama H, Miyata T, et al. basic fibroblast growth factor promotes successful and safe development of collateral vessels in rabbit model of hind limb ischemia. 程飚,付小兵,盛志勇,等。局部应用碱性成纤维细胞生长因子对烫伤创面愈合及周围神经纤维再生的影响。
- "I don't think the lives my parents had is an option for us anymore," laments Kai Ishii, a 26-year-old broker in Shizuoka Prefecture."I want to eventually get married and buy a house. 石井甲斐,26岁,静冈县的一名股票经纪人,叹道:“我认为,父母过的生活再也不会是我们可以选择的了。
- They had a pretty good idea of what to expect,'' says principal Itaru Ishii of the Entrepreneur School, a juku cram that prepares children for Waseda Jitsugyo Elementary's entrance exams. 企业家学校,一家帮助学生复习应付早稻田实业小学入学考试的补习学校的校长石井至说:“他们很清楚将面临什么。
- To the Shihmen legislation, Dandong open, stone of peace, pulling stalagmite and stone barriers, Shi Chuang Wen, Ishii true, and so on to a single rock Guifushengong to constitute a stone positions. 以石门立、石洞开、石太平、石笋拔、石屏障、石床稳、石井真等以单个岩石鬼斧神工地构成了石头阵地。
- Ishii, K., Eubanks, C.F., and Marks, M., 1993, “Evaluation Methodology for Post-manufacturing Issues in Life-cycle Design,” Concurrent Engineering: Research and Application, Vol.1, pp.61-68. 廖伟志,2001,”物件陈&%2363900;表示法与产品组装维修和回收设计同步化分析”,硕士&%2363809;文,国&%2363991;台湾科技大学机械系
- Ichiji 一司