- Ishibashi Shigeo 石桥茂夫(1923-),日本人,实业家。
- The old folks'departure grieved Shigeo. 老两口的离去使茂雄怅然若失。
- The old folks' departure grieved Shigeo. 老两口的离去使茂雄怅然若失。
- "My hand was shaking, I was so nervous," said Kyoko Ishibashi, a 68-year-old school teacher. 68岁的京泽佑子老师说:“我很紧张,我的手一直在抖。”
- The methods for attaining zero-defect software borrow heavily from the Japanese engineer Shigeo Shingo's pioneering work on zero-defect manufacturing. 这些旨在完成零缺陷软件的方法,很大程度上借鉴了日本工程师新乡重夫的零缺陷生产的开创性工作。
- Police believe that Shigeo Kodama, 54, amassed the 3,977 panties, 355 bras and 10 pairs of stockings over a six-year period. 据警方消息,54岁的重郎儿玉在六年的时间里共“收藏”了3997条内裤、355件文胸和10双长统袜。
- Police believe those Shigeo Kodama, 54, amassed the 3,977 panties, 355 bras and 10 pairs of stockings over a six-age period. 据警方消息,54岁的重郎儿玉在六年的时间里共“收藏”了3997条内裤、355件文胸和10双长统袜。
- But in its final stages, the project is suddenly dropped by a single man - Katsutoshi Katsuragi (Ryo Ishibashi) the son of the original founder and Vice President of Mikado Beer. 但在最后阶段,该项目是突然下降了一个人-胜葛城(石桥亮)的儿子,原来的创始人和副总裁天皇啤酒。
- S. Ishibashi and K. Naganuma, “Diode-pumped Cr4+:YAG single-crystal fiber laser,” in Advanced Solid-State Lasers, OSA Technical Digest, pp. 426-430, 2000. 朱佳泛,“非平衡态之晶体成长过程中所产生的图案,”物理会刊,十三卷三期,1990年。
- Directed by Tanaka Shigeo and produced by the Dai Nippon Film Company, the film featured an all Japanese cast but a few Hong Kong film personalities were also involved. 该片由田中重雄导演,参演者主要为日本演员,一些香港影人亦有参与摄制。
- But Rogue proves untraceable until three years later when he resurfaces to ignite a bloody turf war between Chinese mob leader Chang (John Lone) and Japanese Yakuza boss Shiro (Ryo Ishibashi). 然而罗格来无影去无踪,直到三年后才因为中国帮派老大(尊龙饰)、日本黑帮领袖志郎(石桥凌饰)抢地盘而重新露面。
- Ishibashi, I., Sherif, M. A.,And Cheng, W. L.,"The Effects Of Soil Parameters On Pore-Pressure-Rise And Liquefaction Prediction,"Soils And Foundations, Vol.22, No.1, Pp.39-48,(1982). 苏永富;"饱和砂土液化潜能与剪力功之初步研究";国立交通大学土木工程研究所;硕士论文;(1991).
- The first replantation of a severed thumb in Japan was performed successfully by Dr Shigeo Komatsu and Susumu Tamai in the Department of Orthopedics, Medical University of Nara Prefecture. 日本第一例成功的断指再植由奈良县立医科大学骨科的小松重雄和玉井进医师完成。
- Central University Professor Shigeo Tsuji Well, NTT Data Technologies, NEC, as well as software companies Kyoto Institute of Technology researchers have developed a joint technology. 中央大学教授辻井重男、NTT数据技术公司、NEC软件公司以及京都工艺纤维大学的研究人员联合开发出了这项技术。
- The study on the liver diseases at the National Nagasaki Medical Center by Ishibashi H, 长崎医疗中心的肝病研究、
- 6 Shigehisa ARAI,Takashi KOJIMA,Nobuhiro NUNOYA,Madoka NAKAMURA,Hideo YASUMOTO,Monir MORSHED,Shigeo TAMURA; 7吕惠宾,戴守愚,陈正豪,周岳亮,金奎娟,程波林,何萌,郭海中,刘立峰,黄延红,杨国桢;
- 7 Oketani M, Kohara K, Tuvdendorj D, Ishitsuka K, Komorizono Y, Ishibashi K, Arima T. Inhibition by arsenic trioxide of human hepatoma cell growth. Cancer Lett 2002; 183: 147-153 6钱军;秦叔逵;何泽明;王琳;陈映霞;邵志坚;刘秀峰.;三氧化二砷治疗中晚期原发性肝癌的临床研究
- ''I never dreamed of seeing this many leaves on a clover,'' Shigeo told the Associated Press. To avoid double-counting, Shigeo had placed decals on the leaves as he tallied them. “做梦也没有想到会长出这么多叶子。”小原告诉美联社说。小原在数叶子的时候在叶子上贴片贴纸,以避免重复数。
- ISHIBASHI, Taro 石桥太郎
- Ishibashi Chikara 石桥主税(1930-),日本人,法学教授。