- Irene Camber 坎贝尔
- Irene smiled falsely at her unwelcome visitor. 爱伦对不受欢迎的访客虚情假意地微笑。
- Irene's mother rode on the maiden voyage. 艾琳的母亲参加过这船的处女行。
- He taught Irene botany and natural history. 他教绮瑞娜认识植物和学习自然史。
- Soames had never called Irene an angel. 索米斯从来没有把伊琳称做天使过。
- There was something very attractive about Irene. 伊琳有种地方的确叫人着迷。
- Irene has had her eye on that cottage. 艾琳早就看中了那座单幢住宅。
- I can see a point, a circle and a camber. 有一个点,有一个圆,还有一个曲面。
- To be applied to bend such as sweep and camber. 适用于上、下、左、右的翘曲。
- Only in Irene's presence had he relief. 只有跟伊琳在一起时,他才感到慰籍。
- How much have you suffered, Irene? 爱玲,你吃了多少苦?:一言难尽。
- Irene has all the latest pop records. 艾琳有所有最新的流行音乐唱片。
- "You know what I mean," said Irene Mallard sternly. “你晓得我指的是什么,”爱莲·玛拉正言厉色地说。
- Irene and Alan rootedfor the team. 艾琳和艾伦曾为那个队鼓劲。
- The Above Are Registered Trademarks of IRENE Co. 以上商标为艾琳公司注册商标。
- Irene and Alan rooted for the team. 艾琳和艾伦曾为那个队鼓劲
- IRENE: I understand. I need some mascara too. 艾琳:我明白,我也想买一些睫毛膏。
- IRENE: The color I use now is rose. 艾琳:我现在用的是玫瑰色。
- IRENE: What colors do you have in foundation? 艾琳:粉底有哪些颜色呢?
- IRENE: What do you have in foundation? 艾琳:你们有哪些粉底呢?