- The stalemate began March23 when15 Royal Navy sailors and marines who were inspecting ships in the Persian Gulf were captured by members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. 僵局开始于3月23日,在波斯湾对过往船只进行检察的15名皇家海军人员被伊朗革命卫队逮捕。
- S. allies in the region.A top Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander (Hossein Salami) said today's (Wednesday's) exercise demonstrated Iran's resolve and strength against its "enemies. 伊朗革命卫队的高层指挥官胡赛因.;萨拉米今天说,军事演习显示伊朗反对敌人的决心和力量。
- Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corporations 伊朗革命卫队
- A top Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander (Hossein Salami) said today's (Wednesday's) exercise demonstrated Iran's resolve and strength against its "enemies." 伊朗革命卫队的高层指挥官(胡赛因.萨拉米)今天(星期叁)说,军事演习显示伊朗反对“敌人”的决心和力量。
- Iranian Revolutionary Guard 伊朗革命卫队
- BEIJING, June 26 Xinhua, deputy commander-in-chief of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard hijaz 25, said, "Iran's security and defense capabilities will defeat the enemy and the threat of foreign forces." 中新网6月26日电伊朗革命卫队副总司令希贾兹25日表示,“伊朗的戒备与防卫能力将挫败敌人与外国势力的威胁”。
- Earlier, Iranian state media said Revolutionary Guards had test-fired more missiles in the Gulf, at least one of which, it s said could hit Tel Aviv. 早些时候,伊朗国家媒体说伊朗革命卫队在海湾地区试射了更多的导弹,至少有一枚,据说可以袭击特拉维夫。
- "Revolutionary Guard naval forces a few minutes ago test fired a powerful torpedo in the Strait of Hormuz. “革命卫队海军几分钟前在霍尔姆斯海峡试射一强力鱼雷。
- Earlier Monday, the country's elite Revolutionary Guard warned it would use force to break up protests. 星期一早些时候,伊朗精锐的革命卫队警告说要用武力驱散抗议活动。
- Iran's most powerful military force, the Revolutionary Guards, is demanding Iranian Web sites or bloggers remove any postings that "sow tension" or face legal action. 伊朗最强大的军队,革命卫兵,要求伊朗的网站或个人博客删除任何煽动紧张气氛的信息,否则将面临法律制裁。
- Like the navy, the army and the air force have their regular components as well as Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. 和海军一样,陆军和空军除了常规的组成部分之外还拥有相对应的伊斯兰革命卫队的陆上与空中部分。
- As before, the police and the baseej, a vigilante force that backs Mr Ahmadinejad and answers to the powerful Revolutionary Guard, came out in strength too. 和以前一样,警察和志愿军(一个支持内贾德总统并服从革命卫队调遣的民间自发组织的治安团体)都重装出动。
- Iran's most powerful military force, the Revolutionary Guards, is demanding Irani websites Iranian Web sites or bloggers remove any postings tention that " sow tension" or face lega legal action. 伊朗军事力量最精锐的“革命部队”强令各网站、博客删除所有“制造紧张”气氛的内容,否则会面临法律诉讼。
- Iran state television showed footage Friday of the elite Revolutionary Guard firing what officials named Noor, Kowsar and Nasr mi iles from mobile launching pads on the shore and from warshi . 伊朗国家电视台星期五播放了革命卫队从岸边的移动发射平台和战舰上试射伊朗官员所称的“诺尔”、“科萨尔”和“纳萨尔”三种导弹的画面。
- The dog kept a vigilant guard over the house. 这只狗警惕地守护着这所房屋。
- Iran has Revolutionary Guards stationed in Lebanon and it, effectively, holds sway over extremist Shiite Moslem terrorist groups, such as Hezbollah, the Party of God. 伊朗在黎巴嫩驻有革命卫队,可以有效地左右走极端的穆斯林什叶派恐怖集团,例如真主党。
- Iran's Guardian Council also approved the candidacy of President Ahmadinejad and Mohsen Rezai, former head of the Revolutionary Guards. 伊朗宪法监护委员会也批准了内贾德和前任伊朗革命卫队指挥官默森-雷泽的候选资格。
- The threat from the Revolutionary Guards signalled that the powerful conservative force could intervene directly to end the political crisis. 来自伊朗革命卫队的威胁表明,为了结束此次政治危机,势力强大的保守力量有可能直接介入。
- He urged them to guard against conceit. 他要求他们防止骄傲自满。
- Iran's Revolutionary Guards Corps says the crash of a military plane in Tehran has killed 36 people, including 30 members of the corps. 伊朗革命卫队说,一架军用飞机在德黑兰坠毁,造成36人死亡,其中包括革命卫队的30名成员。