- Iran and Syria are next. 伊朗和叙利亚就是下一个。
- Here the examples given are Burma, North Korea, Iran and Syria. 这里他们以缅甸、鲜、朗和叙利亚为例进行说明。
- If refer to nations whin ancient nations,therefore,Sumerian,Hittie,Babylon,Greece,Iran and Syria are the different ancient civilizations which are much earlier(or almost the same) than ancient China. 如果要说“古国”之“国”,那么,古代“苏美尔、米诺斯、赫梯、巴比伦、希腊、伊朗、叙利亚”都是不同的“国”,都是比古中国更早(或几乎同时)的“文明古国”。
- This comment pricks at both Iran and Syria. 这一评论刺痛了伊朗与叙利亚双方。
- President Bush in the past has spurned talking to Iran and Syria. 布什总统在之前已拒绝同伊朗和叙利亚会谈。
- Mr Bush turned down bipartisan calls to woo Iran and Syria. 布什拒绝了两党呼吁,拒绝向伊朗与叙利亚示好。
- But Iran and Syria do not feel they need America's invitation to become involved. 有消息称,其中一项建议是美国应当同伊朗和叙利亚协商,讨论两国如何帮助平复伊拉克局面,或许会召开地区安全会议并涉及巴勒斯坦形势。
- He believes both Iran and Syria should play an important roll in easing regional tensions. 他相信伊朗和叙利亚两国对缓解地区紧张局势起着很重要的作用。
- President Talabani also mentioned Iraq's efforts to improve relations with all its neighbors, including Iran and Syria. 塔拉巴尼总统还提到伊拉克跟包括伊朗和叙利亚在内的所有邻国改善关系的努力。
- The US, Iran and Syria will all take part in a March conference on the security situation in Iraq. 美国,伊朗和伊拉克在三月份将共同出席一个关于伊拉克安全问题的会议。
- We will address the problem of Iran and Syria allowing terrorists and insurgents to use their territory to move in and out of Iraq. 我们会解决伊朗和叙利亚允许恐怖分子和起义者在他们两国地盘进出伊拉克的问题。
- In an oblique olive branch that I took to be directed toward Iran and Syria, he said: “We will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist. 真正的思想来自民间,这是中国灿烂文化生生不息的主要原因,也是草根的雏形。
- Mr Bush signalled that he is cool towards one of the central recommendations: engaging Iran and Syria in a regional dialogue. 布什先生表明,他可以接受(报告提出的)核心建议之一:即在地区对话框架中与伊朗和叙利亚进行接触。
- That means doing more to sort out the festering Arab-Israeli conflict, and talking to Iran and Syria about how they can help in Iraq, or at least stop doing harm. 这就需要美国政府能够将美伊战争与日益恶化的阿拉伯以色列冲突区别对待,同时与伊朗和叙利亚就三国如何在伊问题上有所作为进行谈判,至少能够让他们不再雪上加霜。
- The most obvious sign of the renewed attraction of resistance is the strengthening of a rejectionist front built around the alliance between Iran and Syria. 抵抗运动之吸引力再兴的最明显标志就是围绕着伊朗和叙利亚同盟之间建立起的拒绝派阵线增强了力量。
- Hezbollah, a radical Shiite group, was established with Iranian help in 1982 to fight Israel, and both Iran and Syria supply the group with money and weaponry. 真主党,什叶派组织,伊朗援助成立于1982年,以对抗以色列。伊朗和叙利亚为该组织提供资金以及武器装备。
- Drop in and see us when you are next in London. 到伦敦时顺便来看我。
- To countries such as Iran and Syria, eager to check American power in the region, China's veto power at the UN and its shared misgivings about America make it a welcome friend. 对于伊朗以及叙利亚等国家而言,他们渴望阻止美国地区势力的增强,而中国在联合国常任理事国所拥有的否决权,以及对美国所怀有的共同的警觉,使得中国成为他们的一个盟友。
- You and Fiona are next in line for the throne. 你和菲奥娜是下一任王位继承人。