- Copper ions adsorption by beer yeast was studied by AAS,FTIR,SEM/EDS etc. 采用AAS,FTIR,SEM/EDS等方法研究了啤酒酵母对铜离子的吸附作用。
- The equilibrium adsorption content of oil on the clay (Qs) includes capillary adsorption content (Qs1) and active ion adsorption content (Qs2). 油在粘土上的平衡吸附量Qs包括毛细吸附量Qs1和活性离子吸附量Qs2两部分,解吸平衡等温经验方程可以写成 的形式,式中,d为固体颗粒粒径,km、m、b、k均为系数,该方程经实验证明是合理的;
- Having high hydroscopicity, soluble alkali, flame retardancy, metal ions adsorption capacity and biodegradability, the alginate fibre can be widely used in medical and health textiles. 摘要海藻纤维以其优异的高吸湿性、溶碱性、阻燃性、金属离子吸附性和生物相容降解性在医疗保健用纺织品上得到了广泛的应用。
- Zhang Hongen and Li Guangming, Surface chemical studies of Cu ion adsorption on arsenopyrite. In: The 20th Annual Meeting of the Fine Particles Society, Marriot Copley Place, Boston, Massachusetts, Aug. 毒砂吸附铜离子的表面化学研究,20届细粒学会年会,美国
- Study of the Lanthanide Metal Ions Adsorption Capacity on Chitosan 壳聚糖对镧系金属离子吸附性的研究
- Keywords Sphaerotilus natans Heavy metal ions Adsorption character; 浮游球衣菌;重金属离子;吸附特性;
- Experimental Research on Zinc Ion Adsorption by Light-calcined Magnesite 轻烧菱镁矿吸附锌离子的试验研究
- Keywords nitrifying peat sulphonated peat heavy-metal ion adsorption; 重金属离子;硝化泥炭;磺化泥炭;吸附;
- Characteristic of heavy metal ions adsorption by carbon blacks from pyrolysis of used tires in pilot-scale rotary kiln 废轮胎回转窑中试热解炭的重金属离子吸附特性
- Applications of Isothermal Adsorption Equations to Heavy Metal Ions Adsorption Phenomena 吸附等温式在重金属吸附性能研究中的应用
- The adsorption effect of lead ions on chitosan was investigated. 对壳聚糖对Pb2+吸附作用进行了探讨。
- Keywords heavy metal ions adsorption;goethite and humin;environments remediation; 重金属离子吸附;针铁矿-腐殖质复合微粒;环境修复;
- Study on Catalytic Oxidation Treatment of Cyanide-containing Wastewater through Metal Ion Adsorption on the Chitin 甲壳素吸附金属离子催化氧化处理含氰废水的研究
- The separation of an electrolyte into ions of opposite charge. 电解(作用)一种电解质分解为带有相反电荷的离子的过程
- We sailed from Perth with a cargo of raw ion. 我们装着一船生铁从佩思启航。
- The technique is known as adsorption chromatograph. 这种分析技术称为吸附色谱。
- Do not attempt purification of NF3 via adsorption. 禁止试图通过吸附来净化NF3。
- Electrons are much more mobile than ions. 电子比离子活跃得多。
- These additional ions are called interstitial ions. 这些附加的离子叫做填隙式离子。
- Several reducible ions are present in the solution. 溶液中同时存在几种可还原的离子。