- Iodine slow releasing device 碘缓释器
- Method Two types of slow releasing sawdust balls(floating type and sinking type) containing niclosamide were designed. 方法以锯木屑为载体,加入氯硝柳胺制成漂浮型和下沉型两种缓释剂。
- Coating:protective skin,color preparing,slow releasing,film and enteric coating and etc.for particles and pills. 包衣:颗粒、丸剂保护层、备色、缓释、薄膜、肠溶包衣等。
- W/O emulsions induce very slow release of antigen. 第一种是贮存效果,抗原从注射处缓慢的释放。
- The bed net treatment by beta-cypermethrin 10% suspension concentrate was slow releasing and long-acting, and had good residual effect for mosquitoes. 介绍了一种用100克/升顺式氯氰菊酯悬浮剂处理得到的长效驱蚊蚊帐,这种蚊帐对蚊防治效果好,持效时间长,对使用者和环境安全。
- Results: Therapeutic intravenous emulsions improved the drug targeting and slow releasing action,which enlarged the application range of fat emulsions. 结果:药用静脉注射乳剂提高了药物的靶向性和缓释作用,增加了脂肪乳剂的应用范围。
- Characteristic taper shank releasing device guarantees the taper shank can be stripped conveniently from it without any tools and accessories. 独特的刀柄退出装置,无须任何工具或附件即可卸下刀柄。
- RESULTS:Formulation 7 had good slow releasing rate.The stabili ty test results showed that the matrix tablets were stable under the test condit ions. 结果:处方7具有很好的缓释效果,稳定性研究表明该缓释片的稳定性良好。
- FD Series Block-Proof High Efficiency Releasing Device For Gas Solubilized Water Featuring automatic block-proofing, long time hold... 该产品具有自动避免堵塞,溶气水释放均匀,保留时间长等特点,使固液分离达到良好的气浮效果。
- Results: Therapeutic intravenous emulsions improved the drug targeting and slow releasing action, which enlarged the application range of fat emulsions. 结果:药用静脉注射乳剂提高了药物的靶向性和缓释作用,增加了脂肪乳剂的应用范围。
- The enhencing effect might relate to slow release of rhTNF coated with FCA. FCA增强rhTNF的抗结肠癌作用、减轻rhTNF的副作用,可能与FCA包裹后使rhTNF在肿瘤灶内持续缓慢释放、半衰期延长有关。
- Compared with BDP,BDP-PLGA nano-microcapsules have good sustained release character in mice,encapsulated drug is slow releasing with nano-microcapsules degradation. 与原型药相比,BDP-PLGA纳米微囊在小鼠体内有良好的释药特征,随着囊壁的降解,逐步释放出药物。
- Application of compost may contribute to a slow release of nitrogen at later growth stage of rice plant. 施用堆肥可能对生长后期土壤缓慢释放氮有所贡献。
- It has shown that the mechanics strength of the As2O3 and MTX CAC strengthen after slow release. 研究表明:缓释后As_2O_3和MTX复合CPC骨水泥的力学强度均有所增强。
- Based on the chronopharmacology, pulsatile drug delivery system denoted the ability of a controlled release device to deliver drugs at various rates over extended time periods. 脉冲给药是基于时辰药理学的理论,以制剂手段控制药物释放的时间及给药剂量以配合生理节律的变化,达到最佳的疗效。
- Paramyxovirus immunity develops through the slow release of dead virus from the oll emulsion vaccine. 副粘病毒的免疫是通过从油乳剂疫苗缓释灭活病毒而产生的。
- long acting and slow releasing ClO2 generating box 长效缓释ClO2反应盒
- The nurse bathed his wound with iodine. 护士在他的伤口上涂碘酒。
- BREATHE Inhale deeply and slowly release your breath. 深吸气,然后慢慢地呼出。
- The doctor painted iodine on the cut. 医生在伤口上涂点碘酒。