- Iodine nutritional situation 碘营养状况
- Iodine nutrition situation 碘营养状况
- The grower is no longer in full control of the nutritional situation. 栽培者就再也不能完全控制营养状况。
- Results The iodine intakes have attained the range of RDA and urinary iodine levels show the subjects are in good iodine nutritional status. 结果孕妇从盐中摄取的碘量达到了每日推荐的供给量标准(RDA),同时尿碘水平表明孕妇的碘营养状况良好。
- Objective To investigate of iodine nutritional status of the children in Heilongjiang in 2001 and to study the effect of iodized salt level on iodine nutritional status. 目的了解黑龙江省部分地区2001年碘缺乏病现状,研究目前的食盐加碘水平对人群碘营养状况的影响。
- The TSH level of pregnant women can reflect the thyroid function and iodine nutrition condition. 孕妇的 TSH水平能够反映其甲状腺功能状态和碘营养水平。
- Conclusion The TSH level of pregnant women can reflect the thyroid function and iodine nutrition condition. 结论孕妇的TSH水平能够反映其甲状腺功能状态和碘营养水平。
- Objective To determine neonatal TSH level for diagnosing congenital hypothyroidism, and assessing neonatal iodine nutrition condition. 目的通过检测新生儿促甲状腺激素(TSH)水平,诊断先天性甲状腺功能低下症,评价西安市新生儿碘营养状况。
- The purpose of this study was to investigate the iodine nutrition and the epidemiologic state of hyperthyroidism in ChongQing after universal salt iodization(USI) . 本研究通过一个轻度缺碘的内陆城市重庆,在食用碘盐后不同人群的碘营养状况及甲亢发病情况的变化,探讨碘盐的安全剂量。
- Basically, the market iodised salt for preventing iodine deficiency of pregnancy women were effective, but a part of them did not achieve to the ideal status of iodine nutrition. 德国和印度尼西亚的研究结果均不能达到碘缺乏病控制线。孕妇组使用市场碘盐预防碘营养不足基本有效,但仍应注意有相当部分孕妇达不到碘营养标准。
- Objective To survey the iodine absorption counts (IAC) of crowd ,lived in rural area of the island, in zhejiang province,and analysis the iodine nutrition. 目的调查浙江省海岛人群膳食中的碘摄入量(IAC),分析人群碘营养状况。
- You dealt with an awkward situation very tactfully. 你很巧妙地处理了一个困难的局面。
- The situation poses a grave threat to world peace. 这局势对世界和平构成了严重的威胁。
- So the writer thinks that it is necessary for WHO to adopt the Chinese data of IEG into the WHO/UNIC EF/ICCIDD indicator for assessing the status of iodine nutrition and the severit y of IDD . 所以作者认为,把中国关于高碘甲肿的研究尽早纳入WHO的用尿碘评价碘营养状况和IDD严重度的指标内是必要的。
- The situation has returned to normal in the city. 这座城市的局势已恢复正常。
- A troublesome situation has grown up. 出现了使人感到棘手的局面。
- The nurse bathed his wound with iodine. 护士在他的伤口上涂碘酒。
- The doctor painted iodine on the cut. 医生在伤口上涂点碘酒。
- I hope that what I say will clarify the situation. 我希望我说的话能澄清这一情况。
- He went on to talk about the world situation. 他接着又谈了谈世界形势。