- This is an invalid ip address or subnet. The first octet must be less than 224. 这是一个无效的ip地址或子网。八位数的第一个必须小于224。
- This is an invalid ip address or subnet. The first octet must be non-zero. 这是一个无效的ip地址或子网。八位数的第一个必须为非零。
- Invalid IP address. 无效的IP地址。
- Invalid IP or subnet mask address. 无效的IP或子网掩码地址。
- The IP address pool you've entered is invalid. 您输入的IP地址池无效。
- The name of the network used by the cluster IP address is invalid. 群集IP地址所使用的网络名无效。
- The name or IP address of the remote computer. 远程计算机的名称或IP地址。
- The byte array value of the IP address. IP地址的字节数组值。
- A DNS-style domain name or IP address. DNS样式的域名或IP地址。
- This is an invalid IP address. The network portion must be non-zero. 这是一个无效的IP地址。网络部分必须是非零的。
- Gets or sets the IP address of a multicast group. 获取或设置多路广播组的IP地址。
- Gets or sets the IP address of the endpoint. 获取或设置终结点的IP地址。
- The next bytes are used to store the IP address. 后面的字节用于存储IP地址。
- Fail The IP address is not listed in the SPF. Fail IP地址未在SPF中列出。
- Show IP address bindings for interfaces. 显示接口的IP地址绑定。
- An IP address whose last quad is 0. 最后一格为0的IP地址。
- To the IP address of your relay computer. 更改成您的中继计算机的IP地址。
- Host the name or IP address of the web server. host Web服务器的名称或IP地址。
- How Can I Check The IP Address For A Domain? 如何查出IP地址的属于哪个域?
- Enter an IP address for the new subnetwork. 输入新子网的IP地址。