- Intruders shall be punished. 非法闯入者将遭处罚。
- The chief criminals shall be punished without fail. 首恶必办。
- Whoever shall offend, shall Be punished. 违者罚。
- The criminal shall be punished without fail. 这个罪犯必定要受到惩罚。
- We shall be punished if we do that. 如果我们那样做会受到惩罚的。
- He shall be punished if he disobeys. 他若不服从就要受到处罚。
- I shall be punished for being late this morning. 我今早迟到了,将要受处罚。
- "Prometheus loves man too well," said he, "he shall be punished. "普罗米修斯对人类的感情太深了。他应该受到惩罚。"
- Such an offence shall be punished by detention in prison or at hard labour. 这样的罪行将处以监禁或服苦役。
- Other acts that shall be punished under the law or administrative regulation. (六)依照法律、行政法规的规定,应当给予处罚的其他行为。
- Unaccomplished offenders of the preceding two Paragraphs shall be punished. 前二项之未遂犯罚之。
- Any violation of subsection shall be punishable. 任何分节的违反都应予以惩罚。
- If the circumstance is true, the violator shall be punished in accordance with relevant provisions. 情况属实的,应当按照规定进行处理。
- Those marrying one person while still legally getting married to another shall be punished as bigamy crime. 一个同时与二人以上结婚应以重婚罪定罪处罚。
- Any one soliciting, transmitting, executing, or causing to be executed, any arbitrary order, shall be punished. 法律对于所有的人,无论是施行保护或处罚都是一样的。
- Students (being) caught cheating in the examination shall be punished. (被捉到的考试作弊的学生将受到处罚。)
- Adultery would be punished by lapidation.. 通奸将受到投石击毙刑的处罚。
- Those who disobey must be punished by law. 违法分子必须受到法律的惩罚。
- At that rate, he ought to be punished. 如果那样,他应该受到惩罚。
- You will all be punished; I can except no one. 你们全得受罚,我一个也不饶。