- Introduced to something new. 启蒙的被教给新东西的
- The second day in Mrs. Abrams' class, we were introduced to something I had heard of many times before, the 3.8 paragraph. 在爱波伦丝太太班里上课的第二天,我就听到了我已听 "烂" 了的3-8模式(3-8 paragraph)。
- Apply something to something New technology is being applied to almost every industrial process. 新技术正在几乎所有工业流程中得到使用。
- If you don't like what's there now, wait around, it might change to something new in a couple days. 如果你不喜欢它现在的样子,静静的等待,或者几天之后又会变成一个新的样子。
- The world can be changed by man's endeavor, and that this endeavor can lead to something new and better . 世界会因为人们的努力而改变,而人们的这种努力可以引导新颖和更美好的事物。
- My new neighbor, whom I introduced to you the other day, had a heart attack last night. 日前我介绍你认识的我那位新邻居昨晚心脏病发作。
- Death in a dream does not necessarily mean a physical death in as much as a transformation - old giving way to something new and better. 在梦里死亡不一定意味肉体死亡,多半是转变-旧的给予某事更新和更好的方式。
- The process of cultural hybridity gives rise to something different, something new and unrecognizable, a new area of negotiation of meaning and representation. 台湾需要用这样的态度面对一波波的新台湾人(新移民、外籍配偶及其子女、外籍劳工等),更要以这样的主体位置面对这两天来的不速之客。
- BUENAVENTURA, Colombia (Reuters) - Colombians who thought they had seen everything in the war on drugs were treated to something new this year: cocaine smuggling in a submarine. 布埃纳文图拉,哥伦比亚(路透社) -哥伦比亚人谁想到,他们看到的一切在战争中对药物治疗的一些新的这一年:可卡因走私活动的潜艇。
- Some new desserts were introduced to the menu. 菜谱里加了一些新的甜点。
- Critics of government policy argue that the new measures introduced to fight crime are simply papering over the cracks. 批评政府政策的人指责反犯罪活动新措施,认为纯粹是为掩盖过错而制定的。
- I'm uncomfortable being introduced to a new person. 你会觉得给别人介绍你才去的时候有不自在的感觉吗?
- One who has legal title to something; an owner. 业主对某物有法定所有权的人; 主人
- He introduced to us the symmetrical arrangement of the garden. 他为我们介绍了花园中对称的布局。
- Yes, but now I would like to try something new. 是的,不过我想尝试一些新的工作。
- The act of introducing something new. 革新介绍新东西的行为
- Rent controls were introduced to prevent profiteering. 为了防止牟取暴利而 实行了租金管制。
- You should turn your thoughts to something more important. 你该把思想集中在更重要的事情上。
- I'll get back to you if I find something new. 如果我有什么新发现的话,我会再回来找你。
- Break new ground: to do or discover something new. 发现了新的东西或是取得了新的进展。