- The two have met three times since Castro's intestinal surgery in July. 自卡斯特罗7月份接受肠道手术以来,他俩曾会晤三次。
- He has since received intestinal surgery and is now critically ill, the statement said. 声明上说,自从他做了被认为标准的肠内手术后,现在病情处于危急状态。
- Chewing gum after intestinal surgery can help reactivate paralyzed bowels and get patients out of the hospital sooner, a study said on Monday. 本周一公布的一项研究表明,患者在接受肠道手术之后,嚼口香糖可以帮助他们麻痹的肠道恢复运动,有助于患者早日出院。
- Cuban officials have said Mr. Castro is making progress in his recovery from intestinal surgery last July, and could soon take a more active role in government. 古巴官员说,卡斯特罗去年7月接受肠部手术以来正逐渐恢复健康,可能很快会在政府中发挥更积极的作用。
- He is a plastic surgery specialist. 他是个整形外科医生。
- I hope the doctors won't have recourse to surgery. 我希望医生可别非动手术不可。
- He underwent open-heart surgery. 他接受了体外循环心脏手术。
- We built ourselves a new surgery. 我们给自己建了一间新的外科手术室。
- A usually audible discharge of intestinal gas. 屁从肠内排出的(通常有声音的)气体
- Surgery lasts from 9 am to 10 am. 门诊时间为上午9时至10时。
- He is preparing for the surgery. 他正在做手术前的准备。
- According to a study, chewing gum after intestinal surgery can help reactivate paralyzed bowels and get patients out of the hospital sooner。 一项研究表明,患者在接受肠道手术之后,嚼口香糖可以帮助他们麻痹的肠道恢复运动,有助于患者早日出院。
- The condition is serious; it will need surgery. 情况严重,需要马上动手术。
- She holds her surgery on Fridays at 6 pm. 她星期五下午6时接待选民。
- One of the survivors needed plastic surgery. 一名幸存者需要接受整形手术。
- The arts of medicine and surgery are somewhat in arrear in Africa. 医疗和外科手术在非洲稍微有些落后。
- Intestinal suture is part of the story of abdominal surgery. 肠管缝合是腹部外科过程的一部分。
- Kriwanek S, Gschwantler M, Beckerhinn P, et al: Reconstructive intestinal surgery after open management of severe intraabdominal infection.World J.Surg. 2000; 任建安,黎介寿:外科危重病人的感染与抗生素的选择中国实用外科杂志2001;
- Intestinal obstruction causing colic, vomiting, and constipation. 肠阻塞造成腹绞痛、呕吐和便秘的肠道堵塞
- An agent that destroys or causes the expulsion of parasitic intestinal worms. 驱肠虫剂,灭肠虫剂可消灭或驱除肠内寄生虫的药物