- Intervention of during labor 产时干预
- The intervention of Alpha Secundi sends him into a time rift. 塞坤迪出手干预,将堕落金刚再次送进时空裂缝。
- Oxytocics had been used in 12 of the 29 cases during labor. 有12例产程中使用过催产素;
- They had a talk without the intervention of an interpreter. 他们在没有译员介入的情况下进行会谈。
- The Effect of Clonidine on the Minimum Local Analgesic Concentration of Epidural Ropivacaine During Labor. 可乐定对分娩时硬膜外罗吡卡因最低局部镇痛浓度的影响。
- Only the intervention of powerful friends obtained her release. 经过有影响力的朋友们斡旋她才得以释放。
- Human beings are the only primate species that regularly seeks assistance during labor and delivery. 那麽,我们的雌性祖先在什麽时候放弃自立自强的生产之道?
- Early Intervention of the Viral Encephalitis Sequela. 病毒性脑炎后遗症的早期干预。
- Please allow me to vocalize as desired during labor and birth without comment or criticism. 在待产和生产的过程中允我发声;请不要给我任何建议或者是批评.
- Anyway, intervention of some sort would be necessary. 但是总得干预嘛!
- A low-birth-weight infant is at risk for developing lack of oxygen during labor. 出生时体重轻的婴儿面临着分娩时缺氧的风险。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- Objective: To investigate the causes and prevention of uterine rupture during labor. 目的:探讨分娩期子宫破裂形成的相关因素及其防治措施。
- For contemporary humans, the response to these challenges is to seek assistance during labor and delivery. 对现代人来说,应付这些困难的方式就是在阵痛、分娩期间寻求协助。
- Objective: To study the efficacy of intervention of health education on FFA. 目的:探讨健康教育对眼底荧光血管造影(FFA)检查影响因素干预的效果。
- Oslash; The intervention of Alpha Secundi sends him into a time rift. 塞坤迪出手干预,将堕落金刚再次送进时空裂缝。
- During labor, the CBC, urinalysis and RPR are repeated. The HBSAG is repeated for high-risk patients. A clot of blood is placed on hold. 分娩时,全血细胞计数、尿常规和梅毒抗体应重复检测。高危患者应重复检测乙肝表面抗原。静置血观察血凝。
- It takes a lot of labor to build a railway. 修筑一条铁路要花费许多劳动力。
- Conclusion: Pump of PECA during labor is safe and effective, which accelerates duration of labor and reduces rates of cesarean and dystocia. 结论PECA泵用于持续硬膜外腔给药镇痛,疼痛阻滞完善,加速了产程的进展,降低了剖宫产率阴道难产率,对母婴均无不良影响。
- Antibiotic prophylaxis for possible GBS colonization should be given during labor in the absence of a documented recent negative GBS culture. 近期无B族溶血性链球菌培养检查阴性的患者产时还应给予抗生素治疗,预防链球菌移行感染。