- Interrnational Solidarity fund 国际团结基金会
- What is the Olympic Solidarity Fund? 何谓奥林匹克团结基金?
- The Olympic Solidarity Fund is made up of donations given to the IOC and part of the revenues earned by selling the broadcasting rights of the Olympic Games. 奥林匹克团结基金,主要来源是国际奥委会接受的捐赠和电视转播权销售收入的一部分。目的是用来帮助被国际奥委会承认的国家奥委会,特别是那些最需要帮助的国家奥委会。
- The Delegation added that under the chapter on ICTs, it had great expectations that the African Group would be able to link the Digital Solidarity Fund to WIPO activities. 代表团补充说在信息和通讯技术(ICTs)一节,它非常期盼非洲集团能够将数字团结基金和WIPO活动联系起来。
- On that particular point, the Delegation recommended that the Committee not only took into account the digital solidarity fund, but also all the relevant financial mechanisms. 该代表团就此问题建议委员会不仅要考虑数字团结基金,也要考虑其他财政支持机制。
- She contributed to the fund with an open heart. 她向基金会捐款,慷慨解囊。
- Solidarity Fund of Non-Aligned Countries for the Reconstruction of Laos and Viet Nam 不结盟国家重建老挝和越南团结基金
- The factory has built up reserve fund. 这个工厂已积累了后备基金。
- I have kept a reserve fund in case of accidents. 我已筹备了一笔准备基金以防不测。
- A collection will be made for the fund. 为筹措该基金将举行一次募捐。
- He administer a large pension fund. 他管理一大笔养老金。
- A fund will be set up for the dead men's families. 抚恤死难工人家属的基金会即将建立起来。
- He subscribed a large sum to the relief fund. 他向救济基金捐赠巨资。
- How much did you contribute to the relief fund? 你为那笔救济金捐了多少?
- All Union members should contribute to the Welfare Fund. 所有工会会员都应向福利基金会捐款。
- The message called for solidarity between them. 电报号召维护双方团结。
- Your union is based on solidarity forever. 你们的工会是建立在永远互相支援的基础上的。
- He contribute half of his savings to the relief fund. 他将积蓄的一半捐献给救济基金会。
- It was the middle-class female solidarity. 这是这位中产阶级妇女的团结思想。
- Bring together into one fund money to be distributed under a will. 根据遗嘱将所有分配遗产变成一种基金资金。