- Internet Favourites fodder; 网络所喜爱的文件夹;
- Timothy can be used as fodder for cattle. 猫尾草可以作为喂牛的牧草。
- Good fodder fleshed the steers up. 优质饲料使犍牛长肉。
- Finely cut straw or hay used as fodder. 草料切碎的用作饲料的稻草或干草
- The process of storing and fermenting green fodder in a silo. 贮窖的过程在贮窖中贮存及发酵青饲料
- * Redeveloped Upgrade Mode - We now guarantee to move your Contacts, Tasks and Appointments, SMS and Email, My Documents and Internet Favourites across to a new Windows Mobile device. *重建升级模式-现在,我们保证将您的联系人,任务和约会,短信和电子邮件,我的文档和Internet收藏跨越到一个新的Windows Mobile设备。
- Food and fodder should go ahead of troops and horses. 兵马未动,粮草先行。
- I found out my grades on the internet at first hand. 我从网络上直接得知我的成绩。
- These documents are useless - they are only wastebasket fodder. 这些文件毫无用处,只配扔进废纸篓里。
- Our teacher isn't fair: he always gives the highest marks to his favourites. 我们老师不公正,总是给他喜欢的学生高分数。
- Internet plays a very important role in modern life. 互联网在现代生活中发挥非常重要的作用。
- In England they became fireside favourites. 在英国,它们成了人们爱不释手的家庭读物。
- The cattle battened on the plentiful fodder. 牲畜靠丰美的饲料养得膘肥体壮。
- Download netmeeting2.0 for free from Microsoft over the internet. 在Internet上,从Microsoft可免费下载NetMeeting2。0。
- These books are great favourites of mine. 这些是我最喜爱的书。
- It is extender for fodder for cattle . 系肉牛、奶牛精料补充料。
- The athletics events are my favourites. 田径项目是我的最爱。
- This book is one of my favourites. 这是我最喜爱的一本书。
- Favourites are Motley Crue, Megadeth, W.A.S. 我听的音乐 Variants of the Metal genre.
- All the Army wanted you for was cannon fodder. 军队就是要你来当炮灰嘛。