- Also be highway construction company heightens the integral competition advantage, objective need that enlarges the market to own share. 也是公路施工企业增强整体竞争优势、扩大市场占有份额的客观需要。
- Ni Peng flying made " Dongguan the 7th ' , after integrated competition ability ranks the city, got be oppugned with all possible means. 倪鹏飞博士做出了"东莞第七',的城市综合竞争力排名之后,受到了多方质疑。
- The integral technology level of the town enterprise is not high, make the problem that integrated competition ability turns the company infirmly increasingly serious. 乡镇企业的整体技术水平不高,使得企业综合竞争能力弱化的问题日益严重。
- Integration competitiveness 整合竞争力
- City is culture and culture is city is a calchword brought forward to the world by Barcelona in order to exalt the integrated competitive power of city, and it reflects the especial imporcant status and enormous impetus in the progress of city evolution. “城市即文化,文化即城市”,这是巴塞罗那为提升城市综合竞争力向世界提出的一个口号,它反映了城市文化在城市发展进程中占有特殊的重要地位并起着巨大的推动作用。
- Can we further enhance our competitiveness? 我们能否进一步增强我们的竞争力?
- Let us take the question of competitiveness first. 首先让我们讨论一下竞争力的问题。
- This will help our competitiveness. 这有助提高香港的竞争力。
- Believe in explosiveness and competitiveness. 相信你能带着队伍“前进“。
- Optical-electro-mechanical Integration Industry. 光机电一体化产业。
- We are all affected by global integration. 每一处地方也受到全球经济一体化的影响。
- It allows a high degree of integration. 它允许高度的集成。
- Integration of new scenic objects. 综合了一些新的风景物品。
- the integrated competitive ability of cities 城市(区域)综合竞争力
- Globalization has brought market integration. 全球化带来了市场的一体化。
- As the Council on Competitiveness recently noted, some of the700 Federal Laboratories are not pulling their weight and need to be shut down. 美国竞争力咨讯会最近指出,700个联邦试验所之中有些未能发生作用,应予关闭。
- The integration is necessarily imprecise. 这种综合当然是不严密的。
- There will emerge some industries with reduced competitiveness. 竞争力弱的工业会因而无所遁形。
- The aim is to promote closer economic integration. 目的是进一步促进经济一体化。
- Capability Maturity Model Integration for Software. 软件工程能力模型集成。