- A control system was proposed to improve braking distance and stability by the integrated control of yaw-moment control and active front steering. 提出一种结合横摆力矩控制和主动前轮转向控制的提高紧急制动侧偏稳定性的控制方法.
- FCS2000 is a general integrity control system based on SCADA. FCS2000现场总线控制系统是一种建立在SCADA基础上的通用综合性控制系统。
- The system configuration of numerical equipment integrated control system of workshop based on EPA(Ethernet for Plant Automation) was put forward in this paper. 提出了基于EPA(Ethernet for Plant Automation)协议的车间数字设备集成控制系统的体系结构;
- This paper introduces the integrated control system of compressor based on PLC and the relationship between signals such as PLC and DCS system,SIS, MCC. 介绍了基于PLC的压缩机一体化控制系统,PLC和现场总线系统(DCS)、安全仪表系统(SIS)、马达一体化控制系统(MCC)等信号之间的相互关系。
- The goal of this paper is to design a 2 d.o.f. planar robot, to research its motion planning problem and to realize the Computer Integrated Control System of the robot. 本文之目标为设计一平面二轴机械臂,探讨机械臂之反向运动学问题,并且提出一电脑整合控制系统来加以实现它。
- High frequency MOSFET integrated controller and SEM driving motor constitute advanced SEM walking control system. 高频MOSFET集成控制器和SEM驱动电机组成先进的SEM行走控制系绝。
- This paper discusses the design of EIC integrated control system, presents the general structure of EIC integrated control system and introduces an example of EIC integrated control system. 本文讨论EIC综合化控制系统的设计思想,给出EIC综合化控制系统的一般结构,并介绍EIC综合化控制系统的典型实例。
- On the base of reference foreign and inland controller, the author discusses functions of compute integrated control system in the greenhouse to improve benefit of greenhouse. 为提高温室效益,作者在借鉴国内外控制器的基础上论述了计算机集成控制系统对温室的作用。
- Finally,the features and applications of integrated control systems are introduced. 最后介绍了集成综合控制系统的特点及应用。
- YCHN303 Patterned Yarn Twister adopts cutting-edge technology in the control system,which consistsof a touch-screen and PLC realizing the integrate control to the whole system. YCHN303 型花式捻线机采用新型纺机控制系统。该控制系统由触摸屏和PLC组成,通过触摸屏实现对系统的集中控制。
- The Integrated Control System of High- power EFA 大功率电弧炉智能控制系统
- Foreign Military Sales Integrated Control System 外国军事销售综合控制系统
- Photogrammetric Integrated Control System 摄影测量综合控制系统
- Management Integrated Control System 管理综合控制系统
- Surface-Ship Integrated Control System 水面舰艇综合控制系统
- ADA Based Integrated Control System 防空区综合控制系统
- contemporary integrated control system 现代集成控制系统
- This paper studied on the development of the DNC technology in home and abroad, researched on the basic requirement of manufacturing workshop, designed a kind of Embed DNC integrated control system base on industrial Ethernet. 本论文通过对国内外DNC技术发展现状的研究,根据加工车间具体的需要,设计了一种基于工业以太网的嵌入式DNC集成控制系统。
- Search for the integration control system under the base of electronic message and mechanics of communication which can be used at energy economization and environmental management. 寻求以电子信息及通讯技术为基础的集成控制系统应用在能源节能控制及环保管理。
- Integrated Botec central process control system. 通过集成Botec过程控制系统实现了中央控制。