- When I saw the flames I acted on instinct and threw a blanket over them. 我看见火焰时便凭直觉把一张毯子扑在火焰上。
- Instinct and Transcendence 本能与超越
- And transcendence is a necessary part of your ascension, of your journey home. 超越是你提升及回家之旅中必需的一部份。
- Trust your instincts and marry him! 要相信你的直觉, 就嫁给他吧!
- God Siva is Immanent Love and Transcendent Reality. 湿婆神是普被世间的爱,是超然一切的实体。
- I am an instinctive and quick learner. 我接受能力很强.
- Two things instruct man about his whole nature; instinct and experience. 有两件东西教益于人的整个本性,一是本能,一是经验。
- At last Toyo entered true meditation and transcended all sounds. 最后丰雄进入真正的冥想,超越了所有的声音。
- I'm afraid I gave way to my worst instincts and hit him. 真遗憾,我一时任性打了他。
- And what is possible can be understood and transcended. 那么成为可能的事情就能被理解和超越。
- Margaret has always based her beliefs on a mixture of instinct and personal experience. 玛格丽特的各种主张都来自她的感觉和个人经验。
- Editors only constantly promote and transcend themselves then enable to acclimate the request of the times growth. 只有不断提高和超越自我,编辑人员才能适应时代发展的要求。
- It's a tragedy she didn't follow her own instincts and get home. 这是一个悲剧,她不听从自己的本能和回家。
- And when he is seen in his immanence and transcendence, then the ties that have bound the heart are unloosened, the doubts of the mind vanish, and the law of Karma works no more. 当他被人看到其固有和卓越;心中的结都被解开;所有的怀疑都被解决;所有的业都结出果实.
- Don't ask me; follow your instincts and do what you think is right. 不要问我, 凭你自己的直觉行事, 你认为什么是对的就去做什么。
- ISBN号: Immanence and transcendence; New hometown; Communistic cosmology; World as laboratory of salvation. 出版年:内在者与超越者;新家乡;共产主义宇宙学;世界是拯救实验室
- Dig in and follow your instincts and trust your curiosity. 深入拍摄,跟着你的直觉走,相信你的好奇心。
- Then one may intend to release the thought-form and patterning at cause and transcend. 随后,你可能会意想释放这类思想形态及致因的模式,从而将其超越。
- But this is a challenger they've never seen. They depend on instinct and spread out. 但这是一个它们从未见过的挑战者。它们依赖本能且能展开队形。
- Conservatism and transcendence are symbiosis phenomena of mankind, the effective carrier of which is university. 摘要保守与超越是人类的一种共生现象,大学有效地承载这一共生活动。