- CSF installation and configuration are easy. CSF安装和配置非常简单。
- SMS is a standalone server product that manages software installation and configuration in large enterprises. SMS是一个独立的服务器产品,它用来管理大型企业中的软件安装和配置。
- Manages device installation and configuration and notifies programs of device changes. 管理设备安装以及配置,并且通知程序关于设备更改的情况。
- To learn best practices and other helpful tips and techniques that can help you plan your Workplace Services Express installation and configuration. 学习对Workplace Services Express安装和配置有帮助的最佳实践以及其他提示和技术。
- The product delivered by the Seller shall be finished with installation and configuration, and already properly tested for the functions. 卖方提交给买方的产品都已完成组装和配置,并进行了适当的功能试验。
- In networking, a greenfield deployment is the installation and configuration of a network where none existed before, for example in a new office. 联网时,绿场部署是指在以前没有网络的地方,如新的办公室,安装和配置网络。
- PHP4 Chinese manual introduced the PHP installation and configuration, syntax, libraries and function, example programs and so on. PHP4中文手册,介绍了有关PHP的安装与设定、语法、函式库及函式、范例程式等。
- The installation and configuration of PKI/CA system and the application of its registration authority (RA) are described in detail. 然后详细说明了省PKI/CA系统的安装与配置,以及该注册授权机构(RA)的应用。
- You need to have IIS and the SMTP service installed and configured. 你必须确保 IIS 和 SMTP 服务正确的安装和配置好。
- If the answer is yes, then you can add line items to the project plan for the ordering or creation of certificates and for installation and configuration on the infrastructure. 如果答案是肯定的,则可以向项目计划中添加行项目,以用来完成证书的调整或者创建以及基础设施中的安装和配置。
- We will cover installing and configuring the Net Render Server and Client. 我们将包括安装和配置网络渲染服务器和客户端。
- Installing and configuring an SVN client is beyond the scope of this tutorial. 讨论SVN的安装和配置已经超出了本文的范围。
- The challenge of improving connectivity requires neither gigabit speeds nor gigabyte storage but rather the opposite: dramatic reductions in the cost and complexity of network installation and configuration. 想改善器物之间的连通性,并不需要10亿位元的传输速度,也不需要10亿位元组的储存空间,反而需要克服相反的挑战,也就是大幅降低网路安装与设定的费用与复杂度。
- This includes specific installation and configuration steps for single-server and dual-server installations of Team Foundation Server. 其中包括针对Team Foundation Server的单服务器及双服务器安装的特定安装和配置步骤。
- Microsoft Windows Installer is an installation and configuration service that ships as a part of Windows 2000, Windows Me, and Windows XP. Microsoft Windows Installer是作为Windows 2000、Windows Me和Windows XP的组成部分随带的安装和配置服务。
- When Team Foundation Server is installed, the installation and configuration programs assign the correct port and network addresses for all the Team Foundation components. 在安装Team Foundation Server时,安装和配置程序会为所有Team Foundation组件分配正确的端口和网络地址。
- Server Installation and Configuration for Server 讲述了服务器的安装讲述了如何配置安装
- Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide 介绍了如何安装和配置与
- First, you'll need to install and configure the database server itself. 翻译:首先,你需要安装和配置数据库服务器本身。
- Installation and alignment inspection of windlass. 锚机安装与校中检查。