- He made an inspection of the school. 他视察了这所学校。
- A minute inspection of the grounds. 对场地进行详细的检查。
- The inspection of commodity is no easy job. 商检工作不是那么简单。
- An inspection of the roof showed no leaks. 检查屋顶时未发现渗漏。
- Installation and alignment inspection of windlass. 锚机安装与校中检查。
- For ease of calculation, we must give up accuracy. 为了计算方便,不得不放弃对精确度的要求。
- Installation inspection of main diesel generator. 主柴油发电机组安装检查。
- The two sets of calculation do not agree. 两套计算出的结果不一至
- Rule for mechanical performance inspection of elas. 公路桥梁板式橡胶支座成品力学性能检验规则。
- The inspection of goods has special importance. 作为合同里的一个组成部分,商品检验具有特殊的重要性。
- How to make inspection of flesh report graph? 如何作肌电图检查?
- The act, process, or result of calculating. 计算计算的行为、操作或结果
- Inline, Midline and Final Inspection of fixtures. 对家具进行中验、尾验;
- The work of calculating wages can be done by a computer. 计算工资的事可以用计算机来做。
- Arrange regular inspection of roll journals. 安排经常性的轧辊检验。
- Additional sophistication in method of calculation is unnecessary. 没有必要进一步采取更精密的计算方法。
- The type of calculation used to combine values in a data field. 用来对数据字段中的值进行合并的计算类型。
- The hirer shall conduct acceptance inspection of the work product. 定作人应当验收该工作成果。
- As an integral part of the contract, the inspection of goods has its special importance. 作为合同里的一个组成部分,商品检验具有特殊的重要性。
- The head went on a tour of inspection of all the classrooms. 校长巡视了所有的教室。