- Ink diffuses through water. 墨水在水中扩散。
- Fragrance diffuses through the air. 空气中弥漫着芳香。
- The drop of ink diffused in the bowl of water, which became black. 这滴墨水在水里扩散,使整碗水变黑了。
- What can go through water but never get wet? 有什么可以去,通过水,却怎么也找不到湿?
- Peter says, “saved through water. 彼得说:“藉着水得救”。
- Now let us see whether light can travel through water. 现在让我们看看,光是否能通过水传播。
- Microleakage is one of the most important pathways in which the natural gas diffuses through caprocks. 微渗漏是天然气通过盖层散失的重要方式之一。
- In most cases the patch is saturated with the drug, which steadily diffuses through microscopic gaps between skin cells and through the skin's pores. 大多数的贴片都含有饱和的药物,可以穿过皮肤细胞之间的细微间隙以及毛细孔,持续向体内扩散。
- Light waves travel much slower through water and even slower through glass. 光波在水中传播时,速度要慢得多;在玻璃中传播时,甚至更慢。
- To move through water by means of repeated short strokes of the limbs. 划浆用四肢重复的短划通过水域。
- The cytosol is a gel, with a network of fibers dispersed through water. 不同生物域细胞的细胞质都有着大为不同的特征。
- Cholera is a bacterial infection generally spread through water or food. 霍乱是一种细菌感染,一般通过水或食物传播。
- Heat, which is produced in a medium as a result of absorption of optical energy from an incident high-power laser beam, diffuses through the medium in accordance with a heat conduction equation. 在强激光的辐照下,由于大量光子进入材料体内被吸收,局部蓄热,因而形成较大的温度场梯度。
- All radiant energy has wavelike characteristics, analogous to those of waves that move through water. 辐射能有波状特征,这些特征和水波的波状特征相似。
- Gaseous excretion takes place by diffusion through the stomata and lenticels. 气体通过气孔或皮孔释放的方式排出。
- All radiant energy has wavelike characteristics,analogous to those of waves that move through water. 辐射能有波状特征,这些特征和水波的波状特征相似。
- To walk in or through water or something else that similarly impedes normal movement. 涉水走进或趟过水或其它同样阻碍正常运动的东西
- A young girl's feelings rising like a bubble through water and bursting out, maybe, after all these years. 也许是在这么多年以后,少女的心镜像水泡一样浮到水面上,终于爆开了。
- The boy is daubing a piece of paper with red ink. 那孩子正在用红墨水在纸上乱涂。
- All radiant energy has wavelike characteristics, analogous to those waves moving through water. 所有辐射能都具有波动特征,与水中移动的波的特征相似。