- Inflatable Radar Target 可充气的雷达目标
- A new kind of recognition method of radar target is presented. 本文提出了雷达目标的一种新识别方法。
- First, based on DSP, the hardware structure of radar target detecting system is studied. 研究了基于数字信号处理器 (DSP)雷达目标检测系统的硬件结构和基于该平台的雷达目标检测方法在DSP上的实现。
- Both CIA and Time-Frequency Analysis(TFA) are applied to the detection of the radar target in strong noise environment. 将复像分析应用于雷达目标的弱信号检测,将常规的基于恒虚警检测方法无法检测到的目标利用复像分析方法检测出来,在一定程度上提高了雷达的检测能力。
- In this pape r, the formation principle of radar target range profile is analyzed at first. 首先分析了雷达目标一维距离像形成原理。
- Therefore, this delay sy stem is more suitable for radar target simulation and other signal processing. 因此,它可以方便地应用于运动雷达目标模拟和其它信号的处理。
- A new method for extracting radar target pole features from its RCS is presented in this paper. 本文研究了雷达目标识别过程中关于目标的编码、分类特征的提取与选择等问题。
- Finally, the estimation accuracy and availability of radar target's PSM are analyzed through laboratory measured-data. 最后,结合暗室测量数据仿真分析了雷达目标极化散射矩阵估计的精度,验证了本估计算法的有效性。
- It is known to all that radar target recognition (RTR) is very valuable for military application. 众所周知,雷达目标识别具有巨大的军事应用价值。
- Walton E K, Garber F D. Radar Target Identification of Aircraft Using Polarization Diverse Features[J]. IEEE Trans. on AES, 1991, 27(1). 王红;武文;曾清平;等.;极化变换方法及其原理分析[J]
- A novel approach for detecting laser radar target based on multi-fraction dimension (MFD) of laser clutters has been proposed. 文章提出了一种新颖的基于多重分形的激光雷达目标检测算法。
- Parameter estimation of radar target scatterer plays an important role in the process of target characteristics analysis and target recognition. 雷达目标散射中心的参数估计对目标特性分析和目标识别有重要意义。
- Traditional radar target recognition systems (RTRS) are developed from the ground up respectively, which consumes vast resources redundantly. 摘要由于以往的雷达目标识别系统主要技术不够成熟,采用专用软硬件结构来实现特定的识别任务。
- Jin Yan.High Resolution Range Profile Statistical Property Analysis of Radar Target[C].Proceedings of IEEE 2002 ICSP:1 469-1 472. 邢孟道;保铮.;飞机目标的一维距离像特性[J]
- With limited to fixed delays or discrete delays, many radar target simulatiors c an't simulate continuous target motion. 由于受到延迟时间固定不变或只能离散变化的限制,许多雷达目标模拟器不能模拟连续运动目标的变化。
- The Sea Eagle AShM is a computer-controlled, all-weather, fire &forget, sea skimming missile. The missile has an active radar target ... 阿三的海鹞能带海鹰.;阿三正在和以色列合作新的反舰导弹取代海鹰
- M.R. Bell, R. A. Grubbs, JEM Modeling and Measurement for Radar Target Identification, IEEE TAES, Vol. 29,No. 1, Janurary 1993. 许小剑;黄培康.;防空雷达中的雷达目标识别技术[J]
- T hen we analyze the target scattering center model, angle movement model and the simulation of radar target range profile based on these models. 并具体分析了目标的散射中心模型、角运动模型及根据这些模型进行目标一维距离像仿真的方法。
- In this paper, by combining wavelet transform and Mahalanobis range, a feature extraction method of radar target using ISAR Imaging is presented. 将小波变换和马氏距离相结合,提出了一种基于ISAR成像的雷达目标特征提取方法。
- Zhou D Y,Shen X F,Yang W L.Unknown target discrimination using range profile of radar target[J].Chinese Journal of Radio Science,2002,17 (2):147-150. [2]周代英;沈晓峰;杨万麟.;雷达目标一维距离像识别中的非训练目标判别[J]