- Objective To survey the Clonorchis sinensis infection status in Shuikou Town. 目的了解开平市水口镇人体华支睾吸虫感染状况。
- Objective: To understand the STD infection status at Gynecologic Clinic. 目的:了解妇科门诊性传播疾病(STD)感染状况。
- Objective To investigate the infection status of hospital deep fungus. 目的了解住院患者真菌感染的临床特点。
- Objective To investigate the HIV infection status and characters among clients in STD clinics at Ditan Hospital. 目的了解性病门诊就诊者hiv感染情况和特征。
- The infection status of Legionella pneumophila in children and its role in pediatric community-acquired pneumonia were investigated. 摘要退伍军人肺炎菌在儿童感染情况及在儿童肺炎的角色一直不是很清楚。
- Objective To study the infection status of Bartonella spp. in rodents in western part of Yunnan province. 目的了解云南省西部地区鼠类中巴尔通体(Bartonella species)的感染情况。
- Objective:To explore the infection status of TORCH and human parvovirus B19 in pregnant women in our region. 目的了解我区孕早期妇女TORCH及人细小病毒B19的感染情况。
- Objective To investigate the commingle infection status of 6 types of hepatotropic virus in 317 patients with viral hepatitis. 目的为了了解天津地区病毒性肝炎患者中6型肝炎病毒混合感染情况,对317例肝炎住院病人,进行了6型肝炎病毒的检测。
- Serum was examined by means of latex agglutination test to investigate the Babesia orientalis infection status of water buffaloes in Hubei Province. 利用胶乳凝集试验对湖北省不同地区的水牛血清进行了东方巴贝斯虫的血清流行病学调查。
- But HIV infection status remained unknown in 31 percent of TB patients because they refused testing or were not offered a test, the CDC report said. 但疾病控制和预防中心的报告称,仍有31%25的结核病患者HIV感染状态未知,因为他们拒绝检查或还未被要求检查。
- Objective Understand the infection status of Angiostrongylus cantonensis in main intermediate host sampled from market and restaurant in Guiyang. 摘要目的了解贵阳市流通及餐饮市场广州管圆线虫主要中间宿主的感染状况。
- Methods Serum and ectoparasite samples of the pigs were collected to investigate the infection status of 17 microbes and parasites by serology and parasitology techniques. 方法采集3个种群小型猪的血清和皮肤样本,用血清学和显微镜观察方法对其进行17项微生物和寄生虫学指标的检测。
- OBJECTIVES To find out the infection status of RRTI in our community scattered children,analyze the susceptibilities,and to direct the work of children s health care. 目的了解我社区散居儿童RRTI的患病情况,分析其易感因素,指导儿童保健工作。
- Objective To investigate human intestinal parasitic helminthes infection status in 7 villages of Wudu County in Gansu Province by epidemiological methods and laboratory detection. 目的通过现况流行病学方法和实验室检测,调查甘肃省武都县7个村庄人群肠道寄生蠕虫的感染状况。
- Objective To know HIV infection status and related AIDS knowledge among laborers go abroad, reduce potential incidence of AIDS through health education. 摘要目的瞭解出国劳务人员HIV感染情况和相关艾滋病知识,通过健康教育降低潜在的艾滋病发病率。
- Infant feeding data were obtained eery week from mothers, and blood samples from infants were taken monthly at clinics to establish HI infection status. 从这些孕妇那里获得每周的婴儿喂养的数据,每月在门诊收集婴儿的血液标本了解HI感染情况。
- Aim To evaluate the tubercular infection status in 270 undergraduate in university, to comprehend its changing trend, and to supply the evidence for prophylaxis strategy. 摘要目的掌握近年来高校学生结核感染状况,了解其动态变化趋势,为结核病防治提供决策依据。
- My right eardrum have become infect. 我的右耳鼓已经感染了。
- Objective To study the relationship of HBV infections status in pregnant women to intranterine fetal infective. 目的:探讨新生儿发生宫内感染与孕妇不同的乙肝感染状态的关系。
- OBJECTIVE: To survey the HIV infection status among women in reproductive age in Mauritania so as to provide research direction and basic data for prevention and treatment of immunodeficiency diseases. 目的:了解居于撒哈拉腹地的毛里塔尼亚育龄期妇女人类免疫缺陷病毒的感染及类型,为艾滋病的防治工作提供研究方向和基本资料。