- He commands an infantry regiment. 他指挥一个步兵团。
- He served in an infantry regiment. 他在童子军中工作。
- He has transferred to an infantry regiment. 他已调转到了一个步兵团。
- He has transfered to an infantry regiment. 他已调至某步兵团。
- On my way back, I visited the 49th Infantry Regiment HQ. 在回来的路上,我去了趟第49步兵联队指挥部。
- To the west of Mortain, the US 120th Infantry Regiment fought desperate rearguard actions. 莫尔当西面,美军第120步兵团作为后卫部队也进入了激烈的战斗。
- A trainer from Fort Benning's 2nd Battalion, 29th Infantry Regiment, he and fellow trainer, Staff Sgt. 教练本宁堡的第二营,第29步兵团,他和同伴教员,参谋军士。
- As the Russian defenses broke down further, Fretter-Pico sent in his reserves, the 266th Infantry Regiment, and took control of Fort Kuppe. 6月9日,苏军还发起了数次反击,并零星伴有坦克,但是这些反击都已无关紧要。
- You are a decorated member of the 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment of the "Screaming Eagles," the 101st Airborne Division of the U.S.Army. 你是一名隶属于美国陆军101空降师502炮兵团-绰号“惊叫之鹰”中的一名被授予过勋章的军人。
- Last week reports told how on Guadalcanal a group of Japs of the 224th Infantry Regiment, veterans of China, Borneo and the Philippines, were trapped in a heavily wooded ravine. 上周有报道讲述了在瓜达康纳尔岛,一群224步兵团的日本兵,和来自中国、婆罗洲、还有菲律宾的老兵,在一个丛林峡谷遭到伏击。
- Two of the officers, a major and a captain, were members of an infantry regiment, but the third, although he was only a lieutenant, caused the greatest uneasiness. 其中的两个军官,一个少校和一个上尉是步兵团成员,但是第三个虽说只是个中尉,却最令人不安。
- The space-time multi-functional Infantry Regiment soldiers into cars, can be anything in the eradication of the enemy out. Hut even the repair of bridges. 把时空军团兵装入多功能步兵车,可以把敌军的任何东西消灭掉.甚至是桥梁维修小屋。
- Objective To investigate the d istribution of training injury and its relation with the training subject of an armored infantry regiment in the spring training. 目的探讨装甲步兵在春季共同科目训练期间,训练科目与训练伤之间关系和分布特征。
- Double Time is based on the true story of the 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment of the famed 101st Airborne Division, who were dropped behind German Lines on D-Day. 记者调查中发现,由于国务院办公厅的放假通知没有包括“五四”放假规定,所以不少机关单位都不敢私自发出放假通知,一些企业公司也以没有国家的统一通知为由而不放这“半天假”。
- An airmobile infantry regiment. 空中机动步兵团
- The entire 712th tank Battalion and the 357th Infantry regiment were also diverted to guard the mine in preparation for removal of the items to the Reichsbank building in Frankfurt. 整个美军第712坦克营和第357步兵团都被用来护卫这座盐矿,以准备将这些财物转移到法兰克福的帝国银行大厦。
- Major Harold Doud, who served six months in 1934-35 as an observer with the 7th Infantry Regiment at Kanazawa, found the life exhausting and looked forward to the regiment's first holiday. 在1934到1935年间,哈罗德.;多特上校在金沢的第7步兵团当了6个月的观察员,感到生活很疲倦,盼着步兵团的第一个假期。当假期来到的时候,他发现假期并不影响正常的工作。
- Last week reports told how on Guadalcanal a group of Japs of the 224th Infantry Regiment, veterans of China, Borneo and the Philippines, were trapped in a heavily wooded ravine.They could hear a U. 上周有报道讲述了在瓜达康纳尔岛,一群224步兵团的日本兵,和来自中国、婆罗洲、还有菲律宾的老兵,在一个丛林峡谷遭到伏击。
- The commander of the 23d Division ordered its 64th Infantry Regiment (minus two companies) and its reconnaissance element to drive the Mongolians from the Japanese claimed border area. 第23师团长命令所属第64步兵联队(缺2个连)和(师属)侦察部队将外蒙古人驱逐出日本所主张的边境地区。
- About twelve kilometers south, the 1st Battalion, 26th Infantry Regiment, and the 64th and 72d Infantry Regiments held the line. 往南约12公里,由第26步兵联队第1大队,以及第64和72步兵联队把守战线。