- Speed control of direct torque controlled(DTC)induction motor drives depends on effectively establishing the stator flux. 直接转矩控制的感应电动机的速度控制需要有效地建立定子磁通。
- G. Buja, “A new control strategy of the induction motor drives: the direct flux and torque control,” IEEE Electronics Letter, 1998. 史宗岳,“直接转矩控制变频器之研制,”硕士论文,国立台北科技大学机电整合研究所,民国八十七年六月。
- Sheng-Ming Yang and Zen-Jey Guey, 1998, “Field Weakening Control of Induction Motor Drives”, PCIM International Conference 98, Japan. 张胜杰、杨胜明,1997,“加上电压补偿的同步轴三相电流控制器的模拟分析”,第十八届电力工程研讨会.
- H. Kubota, and K. Drives, “Flux observer of induction motor with parameter adaptation for wide speed range motor drives,” Conference Record IPEC`90, pp. 1213-1218, 1990. 陈敬岸,无量测器感应电动机驱动系统之设计与模拟,台湾工业技术学院工程技术研究所电机组硕士论文,民国八十一年六月。
- L.H.Hoang, “Comparison of field-oriented control and direct torque control for induction motor drives,” IEEE ICEM Conference, Vol. 2, pp. 1245 -1252 , 1999. 黄朝显,“无刷直流马达在电动机车应用之控制设计”,硕士论文,国立成功大学机械工程研究所,民国八十六年六月。
- The researchful results can become prototype machine of universal ac induction motor drive. 研究结果显示其研制的系统具有未来泛用型交流感应马达驱动器的雏型。
- A. B. Plunkett, “Direct flux and torque regulation in a PWM induction motor drive,” IEEE Trans. on Ind. Appl., Vol. 13, pp. 139-145, 1977. 刘俊男,“向量控制感应驱动器之参数自动量测,”硕士论文,国立台湾工业技术学院电机工程技术研究所,民国八十六年五月。
- Keeping the features of the VPWM without extra hardware cost,this method decreases the common-mode voltage of the induction motor drive using the VSI. 详细分析了一种新颖的空间矢量脉宽调制控制方法,无需增加任何硬件,可以非常有效地减小电压源逆变器供电的异步电机驱动系统的共模电压。
- A vector control system for electric vehicle (EV) induction motor drives system is designed and developed. Its hardware system based on dual CPU-microcomputer 80C196KC and digital signal processor (DSP) TMS320F240 is implemented. 为电动汽车感应电动机驱动系统设计开发一套矢量控制系统 ,其硬件系统是通过双 CPU -单片机80 C196KC和数字信号处理器 ( DSP) TMS3 2 0 F2 40来实现的。
- The induction motor drives with the Direct Torque Fuzzy Control and Direct Torque Control ( DTC) have been simulated respectively,and the theory of neuro-fuzzy control has been studied. 本文对传统直接转矩控制感应电动机系统及直接转矩模糊控制感应电动机控制系统分别进行了仿真,并对基于模糊神经控制的感应电动机系统理论进行了研究。
- Sheng-Ming Yang and Feng-Chieh Lin, “oss-Minimization Control of Vector-Cintrolled Induction Motor Drives” The 4th International Conference On Power Electronics and Power Systems (PEDS),2001. 李沛恒、杨胜明,“盲用点字印表机打点器之控制研究”,2001年中华民国自动控制研讨会,3月2001年。
- Simulation of power electronic motor drive system by modified nodal method is realized, and a simulation model of induction motor is presented on the basis of the Park equation. 在电机动态模型的基础上,推导了基于改进节点法的异步电机仿真模型,实现了对电力电子电机传动系统整体进行仿真。
- In this paper, double-frequency inverter was used in induction motor drive, and the next control means were adopted: one-cycle control, hysteresis control and vector control. 摘要将双频逆变器用于感应电动机调速系统中,采用单周控制、滞环控制、矢量控制等控制方法。
- C. S. Tsai and T. H. Hung,“Design and implementation of the CMAC-based speed controller for induction motor drive,”Master Thesis Department of Electrical Engineering, Tatung University, June 2000. 刘文达,“线型与转动型永磁式同步伺服马达之参数自动调适,”国立台湾科技大学电机工程研究所硕士论文,中华民国八十九年五月。
- Backstepping control of induction motor drive, Proceedings of the International Conference on Sensing, Computing and Automation, Wang Jia-jun,Ma Guo-jin, Wang Jian-zhong, 2006.5. 感应电动机系统的变结构反推控制研究,中国电机工程学报,王家军,王建中,马国进,2007年2月。
- Proposes a novel strategy of variable structure model reference adaptive system(VS-MRAS) observers for the speed identification of a sensorless vector controlled induction motor drive. 文中基于变结构控制和自适应控制理论,提出一种新颖的变结构模型参考自适应(VS-MRAS)观测器,用于交流电机无速度传感器矢量控制系统的转速辨识。
- A.Provide a complete adjustable frequency motor drive system consisting of a pulse width modulated (PWM) inverter for use on inverter duty rated AC induction motors. 提供一个完整的可调频马达驱动系统,包括一个脉冲宽度调制转换器,该转换器起额定交流感应电机的转换作用。
- Focused on the substantial harmonic currents in stator of multi-phase induction motor driven by voltage source inverter (VSI), the authors proposed a method for designing a proper filter. 摘要针对电压型逆变器驱动的多相异步电动机的定子谐波电流问题,提出了一种新型的电抗滤波方法,滤波电抗器采用单铁心结构。
- APU system, AC induction motors driving system, multi-torque output system, regenerative braking system and battery management system make of the hybrid system. 辅助动力单元(APU)控制系统、矢量控制交流调速驱动电动机的制动能量回收系统以及多级动力输出管理系统和电池管理系统组成了整个混合动力系统。
- Dual CPU Induction Motor Drive System Based on FOC 基于矢量控制的双CPU感应电机驱动系统