- Generic Smart Indirect Fire Simulation 普通灵敏间接发射模拟
- Indirect Fire Simulator 间接射击模拟器
- A.B.: Were you trained in indirect fire from the start? 从一开始你们就被训练间瞄射击吗?
- The battleship can use its guns in indirect fire mode if a sniper calls for artillery. 战列舰可以使用狙击手的炮火呼叫进行攻击。
- Indirect fire weapons (artillery) targeted by spotter units discourage fixed defenses. 间接射击武器(大炮)针对检举单位劝阻固定工事。
- Salvation: Rapid-Fire Artillery Installation T3, a rapid-fire artillery system that provides indirect fire support, and inflicts light damage across a large area. 速射火炮安装的T3型,速射火炮系统,能提供间接火力支援任务,并受到光束大面积的损伤。
- Use your light and heavy infantry, direct and indirect fire units, engineer and sapper vehicles, plus ground attack fighters and logistical airborne re-supply transports with multiple team identities. 使用你的轻型和重型步兵,直接和间接的消防单位,工程师和工兵车,加上地面攻击战机和后勤空降再补给与运输队多重身份。
- A remote-control jet fire simulator 遥控模拟喷火装置简介
- Indirect Fire Weapon Effect Simulation 间接射击武器效果模拟器
- Infantry Indirect Fire Weapon System 步兵间接火力武器系统
- Conveyor belts - Fire simulation flammability testing - Part 1: propane burner tests. 传送带。火灾模拟可燃性试验。第1部分:丙烷燃烧器试验。
- A fire simulation of the factory workshop was done and the result of time-temperature curve was got by using FDS. 运用FDS火灾模拟软件对某工业厂房进行了火灾模拟,得到火灾发生发展的时间-温度曲线。
- A fire was burning in the grate. 火在壁炉中燃烧着。
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。
- Renormalization Group (RNG) Subgrid-Scale turbulent model gives good performance in fire simulation using LES technique. 重整化群(RNG)的亚格子应力模型适用于火灾的大涡模拟。
- His indirect way of telling me to leave annoyed me. 他那种不直截了当地让我离开的方式激怒了我。
- Flash fire simulations is the base of the test method for evaluation of flame resistant clothing using an instrumented manikin.The flash fire must be repeatable and uniform. "燃烧假人"测试方法中火场环境生成是对服装整体阻燃性能进行定量评估的前提,而燃烧系统设计是实现具有可重复性、一致性、均匀性等特点火场环境的关键。
- The spreading of flames and smoke in the virtual fire scene is based on the simulation results of fire simulation software FDS, so that it is similar to that in the real life. 根据火灾场模拟软件FDS的计算结果,控制虚拟火灾场景中火焰和烟雾的蔓延,使得虚拟场景中火灾的发展接近实际火灾的情况。
- We took an indirect route to the town. 我们循一条迂回曲折的通路去镇上。