- Incorrect valve operation. 阀工作不正常。
- Upper and Lower Bushingsare standard for smooth valve operation. 上部和下部衬套对于阀门顺利操作是标准配置。
- To avoid water damage due to valve operation, a drain pipe must be installed. 为了避免由于阀门运行所造成的水破坏,必须安装排泄管道。
- But by utilising a pushrod valve operation system we could solve this problem. 但是,通过使用一的两个瓣膜手术系统,我们可以解决这个问题。
- Electrical wiring should conform to NEMA codes to assure proper valve operation and longevity. 电源线应该符合美国电气制造者协会NEMA规程,以确保正常的阀门工作状态和使用寿命。
- Objective To investigate the clinical value of rehabilitation nursing after substitute popliteal vein valve operation. 目的探讨腘静脉肌袢代瓣术后患者的康复护理。
- Valve operates completely submerged in water at tank bottom. 阀门完全浸在水箱底部运行。
- Gearing is too often neglected when valve operation is considered, resulting in unsatisfactory operation requiring expensive changes. 在考虑阀门的运作时,齿轮执行机构通常被忽视,导致运作无法令人满意,并不得不作成本高昂的改进。
- Do Check Valves Operate Properly? 止回阀是否工作正常?
- The FLX-FF4 contriol check valve operates automatically and silently. FLX控制止回阀为自动阀门,不需要手动操作,噪音小。
- Grit, dirt or any foreign matter accumulated in the pipe can hinder efficient valve operation and seriously damage vital valve parts. Thoroughly clean pipe internally with air or steam. 砂砾,灰尘或任何在管道内累积的任何外在物质,都可能妨碍阀门的有效运行,并且严重损坏阀门的要害部件。要用空气或蒸汽全面彻底地清洗管道内部。
- If the operating frequency is supersonic, the valve operation should be inaudible to humans. 如果操作的频率是超声波的,那么人们是听不到阀门运转的。
- I beg to point out that your facts are incorrect. 恕我指出你所讲的情况不真确。
- Methods Eight hundred and fifty-nine patients after substitute popliteal vein valve operation were given gastrocnemius massotherapy, joint exercise and guidance of movement before leaving hospital. 方法859例静脉肌袢代瓣术后患者行腓肠肌按摩、关节锻炼和出院前活动指导并观察其效果。
- Corrosion products formed by these reactions can prevent normal valve operation and can become embedded in the elastomeric stem tip, preventing the valve from making a complete seal. 这些反应产生的腐蚀产物会阻止正常的阀门运转,深入到人造橡胶阀杆顶端,造成阀门不能完全密封。
- This drippage will not prevent the natural buildup of temperature in the boiler because the valve operates on pressure only. 由于这种阀门只是释放压力,因此这种滴水现象并不能防止锅炉内的温度自然升高。
- The omission of "for" in this sentence is incorrect. 这一句中省略"for"是不正确的。
- Tightening adjustments may be sufficient, but care should be taken not to over compress packing, which may cause excessive valve operating torque. 紧固调整可能是有效的,但是要小心谨慎,不要使得填料处于过紧状态,否则会导致阀门操作扭矩过大。
- The newspaper gave an incorrect account of the accident. 报纸对那起事故作了失实的报导。
- The parcel was returned to the sender because the directions were incorrect. 包裹因姓名地址有误而退给了寄件人。