- Incision of phalanges of hand 手指切骨术
- Excision of lesion of phalanges of hand 手指骨病损切除术
- Sequestrectomy of phalanges of hand 手指骨死骨切除术
- Excisional biopsy of phalanges of hand 手指骨切除活组织检查
- Longitudinal deficiency of phalanges of hand 手指骨纵向缺乏
- Debridement of open fracture of phalanges of hand 手指骨开放性骨折清创术
- Open reduction of fracture of phalanges of hand 手指骨骨折切开复位术
- Operation for bone injury of phalanges of hand 手指骨损伤手术
- Osteoclasis of phalanges of hand 手指骨折骨术
- Osteoplasty of phalanges of hand 手指骨成形术
- Fracture of multiple sites of phalanges of hand 手指骨多部位骨折
- Internal fixation of bone of phalanges of hand 手指骨内固定术
- Closed reduction of fracture of phalanges of hand 手指骨骨折闭合性复位术
- Suture of periosteum of phalanges of hand 手指骨骨膜缝术
- Open dislocation of phalanx of hand 手的指骨开放性脱位
- Closed dislocation of phalanx of hand 手指骨闭合性脱位
- Incision of phalanges of foot 足趾切骨术
- Open fracture of multiple sites of phalanges of hand 指骨多部位开放性骨折
- Closed fracture of multiple sites of phalanges of hand 手指骨多部位闭合性骨折
- Surgical incision of the cornea. 角膜切开术外科中对角膜的切开