- Guangdong Dapeng LNG Company Limited , with total capital investment of 7.62 billion RMB, is responsible for the pilot Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) import project in China. 广东大鹏液化天然气有限公司为中外合资企业,公司位于深圳市福田中心区。
- We respect the wisdom expressed in much planning and thought before launching such an important project as the family car. 我们对你们在进行像家用小汽车这样重要的项目所做的周密计划和充分考虑中表现出的智慧表示敬意。
- The tests in the imported project become local, which resolves the links to those tests. 导入项目中的测试将成为本地测试,从而可以对指向这些测试的链接进行解析。
- The imported project depends on the project into which it is imported to provide that information. 被导入项目依赖于导入项目来提供该信息。
- The study of the development of higher education management is very important project for Yemen. 高等教育管理的研究对也门来说是一个十分重要的项目。
- The Suzhou Creek Comprehensive Rehabilitation Project is one important project item in Shanghai City. 苏州河综合整治工程是上海市的一项重大工程项目。
- Research of MEMS-based microneedles is a very important project in drug and gene delivery. 基于MEMS的微针技术研究是当前药物传输领域中的热点。
- Abstract Removing actinides from high level waste is an important project of nuclear' fuel reprocessing. 摘要 从强放废液中去除锕系元素是核燃料后处理面临的一个重要课题。
- CLNG has successfully developed Guangdong and Fujian LNG Import Projects with investment in five LNG carriers under construction. 投资LNG运输管理公司;投资LNG运输公司;提供LNG运输的管理、技术和融资等咨询服务。
- Beijing Dongzhimen Integrated Transportation Hub is an important project supporting Beijing's 2008 Olympic Games. 北京东直门综合交通枢纽是北京2008年奥运会的重点配套项目。
- Research on the MEMS-based micro-dispensers technology in biology is an important project in drug dispensing nowadays. 基于MEMS的生物微喷点样技术研究是当今药物分配领域中的热点。
- How to integrate CMM into FMS is an important project applied to the engineering of FMS and CIMS. 如何实现CMM与FMS集成是目前实施FMS.CIMS应用工程的一个重要课题。
- Variety is important project shutter, aluminum cross Baiye, erection Baiye, bamboo wood screens, home cloth, and so on. 重要品种有工程卷帘、铝合金横百叶,竖百叶、竹木质帘、居家布艺等等。
- It also has important project practical value to the FRP furan resin concrete structure design. 为估计材料的长期力学性能提供依据,对FRP筋呋喃树脂混凝土结构设计具有重要的工程实用价值。
- Define in the project file all properties and items that must override default definitions of properties and items in the imported project. 在项目文件中定义的所有属性和项要对导入的项目中默认的属性和项的定义进行重写。
- It seems trifling, but it is a base of success for many important projects. 看起来这些似乎都是很琐碎的事,但是这却是许多重要项目成功的基础。
- He plans to import an automatic bobbin loader.. 他计划进囗一架自动装线机。
- So they are certainly and clearly important projects in their own right. 毫无疑问,他们本身确是重要的项目。
- The miscellaneous expenses of import are so much! 进口货物的杂费太多了!
- If everyone does his part, the project will surely be a success. 如果大家都尽责,这个项目肯定会成功。