- Immunit ats Einbeit 免疫单位
- The sorceress say, point ats them side of a tree. 巫婆说,指着他们旁边的一棵树。
- These two technologies solve two problems of ATS. 这两种技术很好的解决了阻碍自动测试系统的发展的两大问题。
- Mr. Recruiter, Tear Down This ATS! 招聘专员们,拆掉你们的自动试验系统!
- This homepage is designed and maintained by the ATS Computer Club. 这网页是由电脑学会网页设计组设计的。
- ATS Short for Animal Tub Size. SeeAnimal tub sized paper. 槽法施胶参阅槽法施胶纸张。
- ATS liter was measured by indirect immunofluorescence method. 并用间接免疫荧光的方法对抗血清效价进行测定。
- Methods Using the in vivo micropuncture technique in SD r ats. 方法利用活体微穿刺技术。
- The annual ATS Women's Luncheon once again drew a large audience. 一年一度的美国胸科协会女士午餐会再一次吸引了大量的观众。
- Nach dem Hitler-Putsch erscheinen Hoffmanns erste Hitlerportr"ats. 啤酒馆政变之后,霍夫曼乘机推出第一本希特勒像册。
- Acquisition strategy is to maximize the use of standard ATS specified by DoD. 采购策略是尽量使用国防部指定的标准ATS产品。
- Signs announcing the ATS Conference line the streets in San Francisco. 在旧金山的街道两旁挂满了美国胸科协会会议的标语。
- Accessories A range of accessories and parts for customizing your ATs. 配件一系列的配件和零件的自订您的苯丙胺类兴奋剂。
- ATS (automatic testing system) is playing an important role in modem science and technology. 摘要自动测试系统在现代科学技术中发挥著越来越重要的作用。
- This paper introduces the CISPR publications and IEC standards related to EMC testing and measurement techniques.The object of that is intended to introduce emission and immunit... 本文介绍了电磁兼容测试的CISPR出版物和IEC标准,对于医用电气设备或系统要达到的发射和抗扰度的要求,以及测试方法和推荐的测量等级。
- VXI_BUS is known as a perfect platform of Instrument Bus System and Automatic Test System (ATS) in 21 century. VXI是公认的21世纪仪器总线系统和自动测试系统的优秀平台。
- It presented the isomers and polymorphs,as well ats the five syn-thetic methods,dyeing process of quinacridinone. 介绍了喹吖啶酮的同分异构体、同质多晶体,进而介绍了其主要的五种工艺路线及颜料化处理方法。
- The positive exprssion rates of Fas mRNA in non-tumor tissue and ATs tissue were 8.3% and 74.5%. Fas mRNA阳性表达率分别为:非肿瘤组织8.;3%25;肿瘤组织74
- The practices have proved that these technologies can improve the testability of ATS software. 实践证明,这些技术可以显著提高自动测试系统软件的可测试性。
- The rates of of COX-2 mRNA in non-tumor tissue and ATs tissue were 33.3%and 78.4%,respectively. COX-2 mRNA表达阳性率分别为:非肿瘤组织33.;3%25;肿瘤组织78