- Immortal cave in Guye Mountain 下一篇文章:仙沟洞
- An ascetical's cave in the 青朴 mountain. 青朴山上的一个苦行僧的洞穴里。
- They went to the cave in quest of hidden treasure. 他们到山洞去寻找宝藏。
- The enemy had to cave in and surrender. 敌人只好屈服投降。
- The fugitive live in a cave in the mountain crag for several years. 这个逃犯在一个山上峭壁的岩洞里住了几年。
- The roof is dangerous and could cave in at any time. 屋顶很危险,任何时候都会坍塌。
- They are sheltered from the snow in a small cave in the mountain. 他们正在山里的一个小山洞里避雪。
- They are sheltered from the snow in a small cave in the mountain . 他们正在山里的一个小山洞里避雪。
- Don't climb on that old roof. It might cave in. 别爬到那个旧屋顶上,它会塌的。
- They had at last to cave in and surrender. 他们最后不得不屈服投降。
- The fugitive lived in a cave in the mountain crag for several years. 这个逃犯在一个山上峭壁的岩洞里住了几年。
- The roof of the old house will cave in any time. 这所老房子的屋顶随时会塌下来。
- The earthquake made the roadbed cave in. 地震后路基沉陷了。
- All opposition to the plan has caved in. 这个计划的反对派全部屈服了。
- He hollowed out a cave in the snowfield for night. 他在雪原上挖了个洞以过夜。
- They go to the cave in quest of hide treasure. 他们到山洞去寻找宝藏。
- The wall caved in without the slightest warning. 事先大家毫无察觉的情况下墙塌了。
- The roof of the old house caved in. 那栋旧房子的屋顶塌下了。
- Shangrao also has many historic relics: the Immortal Cave and Diaotong Ring Relics are the earliest birthplaces of rice found in the world, the collections of Wuyuan Museum are brilliant. 上饶还是画家阎立本、茶圣陆羽、名臣范仲淹、词人辛弃疾等人的久居之地。
- The roof or walls will not cave in. 坑顶或边墙不能塌方。